*C++/CLI [#f965156f]

-[http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ak11/20070313 C++/CLI + mono その2]

*[[fwdsumatrapdf>SumatraPDF/fwdsumatrapdf]] &aname(fwdsumatrapdf); [#t8977872]

**C++/CLI 版 [#i266eeec]

Microsoft Visual Studio "14" CTP の Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.21730.1 で動作確認しています.~

 cl /clr fwdsumatrapdf.cxx

 // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
 // >cl /clr fwdsumatrapdf.cxx
 #using <System.dll>
 #using <Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll>
 namespace Ddeml
     using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
     public ref class DdemlError : System::Exception
         explicit DdemlError(System::String^ e)
             gcnew System::Exception(e);
     using DdeCallback = void* (*)(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uFmt, void* hconv, void* hsz1, void* hsz2, void* hdata, unsigned int dwData1, unsigned int dwData2);
     const unsigned int APPCMD_CLIENTONLY = 0x10u;
     const int CP_WINUNICODE = 1200;
     const unsigned int CF_UNICODETEXT = 13u;
     const unsigned int XCLASS_FLAGS = 0x4000u;
     const unsigned int XTYP_EXECUTE = (0x0050u | XCLASS_FLAGS);
     constexpr unsigned int APPCMD_CLIENTONLY = 0x10u;
     constexpr int CP_WINUNICODE = 1200;
     constexpr unsigned int CF_UNICODETEXT = 13u;
     constexpr unsigned int XCLASS_FLAGS = 0x4000u;
     constexpr unsigned int XTYP_EXECUTE = (0x0050u | XCLASS_FLAGS);
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeInitializeW", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeInitializeW(void* pidInst, DdeCallback pfnCallback, unsigned int afCmd, unsigned int ulRes) -> unsigned int;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeUninitialize", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeUninitialize(unsigned int idInst) -> bool;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeCreateStringHandleW", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeCreateStringHandleW(unsigned int idInst, System::String^ psz, int iCodePage) -> void*;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeFreeStringHandle", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeFreeStringHandle(unsigned int idInst, void* hsz) -> bool;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeCreateDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeCreateDataHandle(unsigned int idInst, System::String^ pSrc, unsigned int cb, unsigned int cbOff, void* hszItem, unsigned int wFmt, unsigned int afCmd) -> void*;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeFreeDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeFreeDataHandle(void* hData) -> bool;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeConnect", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeConnect(unsigned int idInst, void* hszServer, void* hszTopic, void* pCC) -> void*;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeDisconnect", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeDisconnect(void* hConvList) -> bool;
     [DllImport(R"(user32.dll)", EntryPoint="DdeClientTransaction", CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
     extern "C" auto DdeClientTransaction(void* pData, unsigned int cbData, void* hConv, void* hszItem, unsigned int wFmt, unsigned int wType, unsigned int dwTimeout, void* pdwResult) -> void*;
 namespace SumatraPDFClient
     using namespace System;
     using namespace System::IO;
     using namespace System::Diagnostics;
     using namespace System::ComponentModel;
     using namespace Microsoft::Win32;
     using namespace Microsoft::VisualBasic;
     public class ForwardSearch
         static const int timeout = 10000;
         static constexpr int timeout = 10000;
         auto static Usage(cli::array<System::String^>^ args) -> void
             System::String^ s = "usage: " + Environment::GetCommandLineArgs()[0] + " pdffile texfile line";
             System::String^ const s = "usage: " + Environment::GetCommandLineArgs()[0] + " pdffile texfile line";
             if (args->Length == 3) {
             else {
         auto static RunSumatraPDF(String^ pdf) -> void
         auto static RunSumatraPDF(System::String^ pdf) -> void
             if (Process::GetProcessesByName("SumatraPDF")->Length != 0) {
             else {
                 auto ps = gcnew Process();
                 try {
                     System::String^ sumatrapdfRegistry = "SumatraPDF.exe";
                     System::String^ keyPath = R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe)";
                     System::String^ const keyPath = R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe)";
                     RegistryKey^ rKey = nullptr;
                     try {
                         rKey = Registry::LocalMachine->OpenSubKey(keyPath);
                         sumatrapdfRegistry = rKey->GetValue(System::String::Empty)->ToString();
                     finally {
                         if (rKey != nullptr) {
                     if (File::Exists(sumatrapdfRegistry)) {
                         ps->StartInfo->FileName = sumatrapdfRegistry;
                     else {
                         throw gcnew FileNotFoundException();
                 catch (System::Exception^) {
                     System::String^ sumatrapdfWin32Default = R"(C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe)";
                     System::String^ sumatrapdfWin64Default = R"#(C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe)#";
                     System::String^ const sumatrapdfWin32Default = R"(C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe)";
                     System::String^ const sumatrapdfWin64Default = R"#(C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe)#";
                     if (File::Exists(sumatrapdfWin32Default)) {
                         ps->StartInfo->FileName = sumatrapdfWin32Default;
                     else if (File::Exists(sumatrapdfWin64Default)) {
                         ps->StartInfo->FileName = sumatrapdfWin64Default;
                     else {
                         ps->StartInfo->FileName = Interaction::InputBox("Input the path to SumatraPDF.exe.", "fwdsumatrapdf", "SumatraPDF.exe", 0, 0);
                 ps->StartInfo->Arguments = "-reuse-instance " + "\"" + pdf + "\"";
         auto static DdeExecute(System::String^ server, System::String^ topic, System::String^ command) -> void
         auto static DdeExecute(System::String^ const server, System::String^ const topic, System::String^ const command) -> void
             unsigned int idInstance = 0u;
             void* hszServer = nullptr;
             void* hszTopic = nullptr;
             void* hConvClient = nullptr;
             void* hDdeData = nullptr;
             void* hDdeTransactionData = nullptr;
             try {
                 Ddeml::DdeInitializeW(&idInstance, [] { return nullptr; }(), Ddeml::APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0u);
                 if (idInstance == 0u) throw gcnew Ddeml::DdemlError("DdeInitializeW error");
                 hszServer = Ddeml::DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, server, Ddeml::CP_WINUNICODE);
                 if (hszServer == nullptr) throw gcnew Ddeml::DdemlError("DdeCreateStringHandleW error");
                 hszTopic = Ddeml::DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, topic, Ddeml::CP_WINUNICODE);
                 if (hszTopic == nullptr) throw gcnew Ddeml::DdemlError("DdeCreateStringHandleW error");
                 hConvClient = Ddeml::DdeConnect(idInstance, hszServer, hszTopic, nullptr);
                 if (hConvClient == nullptr) throw gcnew Ddeml::DdemlError("DdeConnect error");
                 hDdeData = Ddeml::DdeCreateDataHandle(idInstance, command, static_cast<unsigned int>((command->Length + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)), 0u, nullptr, Ddeml::CF_UNICODETEXT, 0u);
                 if (hDdeData == nullptr) throw gcnew Ddeml::DdemlError("DdeCreateDataHandle error");
                 hDdeTransactionData = Ddeml::DdeClientTransaction(hDdeData, static_cast<unsigned int>(-1), hConvClient, nullptr, 0u, Ddeml::XTYP_EXECUTE, static_cast<unsigned int>(timeout), nullptr);
                 if (hDdeTransactionData == nullptr) throw gcnew Ddeml::DdemlError("DdeClientTransaction error");
             finally {
                 if (hDdeTransactionData != nullptr) Ddeml::DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeTransactionData);
                 if (hDdeData != nullptr) Ddeml::DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeData);
                 if (hszServer != nullptr) Ddeml::DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszServer);
                 if (hszTopic != nullptr) Ddeml::DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszTopic);
                 if (hConvClient != nullptr) Ddeml::DdeDisconnect(hConvClient);
                 if (idInstance != 0u) Ddeml::DdeUninitialize(idInstance);
         auto static Main(cli::array<String^>^ args) -> void
         auto static Main(cli::array<System::String^>^ args) -> void
             auto pdf = args[0];
             auto tex = args[1];
             auto line = args[2];
             auto const pdf = args[0];
             auto const tex = args[1];
             auto const line = args[2];
             try {
                 System::Int32 active = 0;
                 System::String^ server = "SUMATRA";
                 System::String^ topic = "control";
                 System::String^ forwardSearch = "[ForwardSearch(\"" + pdf + "\",\"" + tex + "\"," + line + ",0,0," + active.ToString() + ")]";
                 System::Int32 constexpr active = 0;
                 System::String^ const server = "SUMATRA";
                 System::String^ const topic = "control";
                 System::String^ const forwardSearch = "[ForwardSearch(\"" + pdf + "\",\"" + tex + "\"," + line + ",0,0," + active.ToString() + ")]";
                 DdeExecute(server, topic, forwardSearch);
             catch (System::ComponentModel::Win32Exception^ e) {
             catch (System::InvalidOperationException^ e) {
             catch (System::Exception^ e) {
 auto main(cli::array<System::String^>^ args) -> int
     return 0;