

   \large\bf{産能 太郎}}\\\vspace{1.5\baselineskip}
{\large\bf{概 要}}\\\vspace{\baselineskip}
本文は \dots を対象として \dots を用いた \dots を提案している。本文で提案する方法は \dots ああして、こうする \dots 方法で、従来の方法に比べ \dots に特徴がある。実際に本手法を \dots の問題に適用した結果、\dots であることがわかり、その有効性が検証された。

Welcome to MCI's very high performance Backbone Network Service web site.

The vBNS is a nationwide network that supports high-performance, high-bandwidth research applications. Launched in 1995, the vBNS is the product of a five-year cooperative agreement between MCI and the National Science Foundation.

The purpose of this site is to introduce the Internet community and the public in general to the vBNS. At this site you have access to vBNS network information and statistics, a schedule of events and activities, and detailed site configurations. If you're looking for basic information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions document in the Press Kit.

In 1993, the National Science Foundation recognized that researchers would require advances in state-of-the-art high-speed and high-performance networking. At the same time, the High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) program, a federal effort to develop advanced communications, computer and software technology adopted the goal of advancing the speed of networking.

In order to keep pace with the development of networking technology and to support the goals of the HPCC, the NSF solicited proposals for the very high performance Backbone Network Service (vBNS). In addition, the NSF restructured its data networking architecture by establishing Network Access Points (NAPs), selecting NAP managers, and selecting a routing arbiter.

In 1995, MCI was named as the vBNS provider. Under the terms of the cooperative agreement with the NSF, MCI provides Internet Protocol (IP) and connectionless networking protocol (CLNP) services at 622 megabits per second (OC12). Employing SONET and other fiber optic and high-speed switching and transport technologies, the vBNS will migrate to gigabit speeds by the late 1990s.

\begin{center}\bf 文献\end{center}
\item R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, ``A method for obtaining digital signatures and public key cryptosystems,`` Commun. ACM, vol.21, no.2, pp.120--126, Feb.1978.
\item D.E. Knuth, ``The Art of Computer Programming,'' vol.2, 2nd ed., Chapter4, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1980.
