*[[Android:http://www.android.com/]] での TeX の利用 [#q41b698a]
*[[Android:https://www.android.com/]] での TeX の利用 [#q41b698a]



*TeX Live &aname(texlive); [#ec902282]
**TeX Live for Android [#p2cbca91]
-[[TeXLive for Android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=texlive.androidport]]
--[[texlive-for-android - TeX Live for Android - Google Project Hosting:https://code.google.com/p/texlive-for-android/]]
--[http://tkyon.blogspot.jp/2014/08/texlive-for-android.html TeXLive for Android インストールマニュアル]
--[[TeXLive-for-Android : いわにぃのブログ:http://blog.livedoor.jp/ti5942/tag/TeXLive-for-Android]]

TeX Live for Android を起動して TeX Live をインストールします.
&color(#0077CC,#333333){&size(30){&color(#0077CC,#333333){ Install TeXLive to you device? };              };};&br;
&color(White,#333333){&size(24){&color(White,#333333){ Are you sure that your device's internal storage is larger than };   };};&br;
&color(White,#333333){&size(24){&color(White,#333333){ 70M? };                                      };};&br;
&color(White,#333333){               No               &color(Gray,#333333){''│''};              Yes              };&br;
pdflatex は普通に使用できるそうです.(→ https://twitter.com/ti5942/status/398938593088901120 )
&color(White,Black){&size(40){&color(#0077CC,Black){''ω''};}; &size(24){&color(White,Black){Window 1};}; &color(Gray,Black){◢};                                   &size(26){&color(Gray,Black){''(+)''};};  &size(26){&color(Gray,Black){''×''};};  &size(26){&color(Gray,Black){''☰''};}; };&br;
&color(White,Black){u0_a77@android:/ $ pdflatex -version                                        };&br;
&color(White,Black){pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (Web2C 2015 for Android)                            };&br;
uplatex も普通に使用できるそうです.(→ https://twitter.com/ti5942/status/398946031406034945 )
&color(White,Black){&size(40){&color(#0077CC,Black){''ω''};}; &size(24){&color(White,Black){Window 1};}; &color(Gray,Black){◢};                                   &size(26){&color(Gray,Black){''(+)''};};  &size(26){&color(Gray,Black){''×''};};  &size(26){&color(Gray,Black){''☰''};}; };&br;
&color(White,Black){u0_a77@android:/ $ uplatex -version                                         };&br;
&color(White,Black){e-upTeX 3.14159265-p3.6-u1.20-141210-2.6 (utf8.uptex) (Web2C 2015 for Android)            };&br;
**TeX Live/Termux [#zfd543bb]

dvipdfmx でエラーが発生する場合は dvipdfmx.cfg の K と P の行をコメントアウトすると DVI ファイルを dvipdfmx で処理できるそうです. (→ https://twitter.com/ti5942/status/385378025983856640 )

 %% PDF Security (Encryption) Setting
 %% Those options won't take effects unless you use flag 'S'.
 %% Key bits for PDF encryption (40 - 128)
 %K  40
 %% Permission flag for PDF encryption: Revision will be 3 if the key size
 %% is greater than 40 bits.
 %% 0x0004 (Revision 2) Print the document.
 %%        (Revision 3) Print the document (possibly not at the highest quality
 %%        level, depending on whether bit 12[0x0800] is also set).
 %% 0x0008 Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those
 %%        controlled by bits 6[0x0020], 9[0x0100], and 11[0x0400].
 %% 0x0010 (Revision 2) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the
 %%        document, including extracting text and graphics (in support of
 %%        accessibility to disabled users or for other purposes).
 %%        (Revision 3) Copy or otherwise extract text and grphics from the
 %%        document by operations other than that controlled by bit 10[0x0200].
 %% 0x0020 Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields,
 %%        and, if bit 4[0x0008] is also set, create or modify interactive
 %%        form fields (including signature fields).
 %% (Revision 3 only)
 %% 0x0100 Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature
 %%        fields), even if bit 6 is clear.
 %% 0x0200 Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to disabled
 %%        users or for other purposes).
 %% 0x0400 Assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create
 %%        bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if bit 4 is clear.
 %% 0x0800 Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital
 %%        copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this bit is clear
 %%        (and bit 3 is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation
 %%        of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality.
 %P  0x003C

*[[統合環境・エディタ>TeX用エディタ]] [#fcca172a]

**フリーソフトウェア (オープンソースソフトウェア) [#w8f4ef4d]

-[[MobileOrg (Donate):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.matburt.mobileorg.donate]], [[MobileOrg:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.matburt.mobileorg]]
--[[Emacs/Org mode - TeX Wiki>Emacs/Org mode]]
-[[Vim Touch:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.momodalo.app.vimtouch]]
--[[Vim - TeX Wiki>Vim]]
--[[Vim - TeX Wiki>Vim]]
-[[920 Text Editor:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jecelyin.editor]]

*PDF ビューア [#t5fdeba9]

//--MuPDF ベースの派生版
//---[[APV PDF Viewer:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cx.hell.android.pdfview]]
-[[Foxit Mobile PDF:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.foxit.mobile.pdf.lite]]
-[[Adobe Reader:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.reader]]
-[[Foxit PDF Reader & Editor:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.foxit.mobile.pdf.lite]]
-[[Adobe Acrobat Reader:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.reader]]

*BibTeX 関連 [#m2bc1f0c]


*関連リンク [#o413eb91]
-[[Newest 'android' Questions - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange:http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/android]]