*C++ [#j4003691]

-[[Visual C++ の勉強部屋:http://homepage3.nifty.com/ishidate/vcpp.htm]]
-[[最新のC++を学ぶ - Barbara Moo氏インタビュー:http://www.infoq.com/jp/articles/modern-C-book-moo]]

**処理系 [#zc4c802d]
-[[GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF):http://gcc.gnu.org/]]
-[["clang" C Language Family Frontend for LLVM:http://clang.llvm.org/]]
-[[Microsoft Visual Studio Express:http://www.microsoft.com/japan/msdn/vstudio/express/]]

**ライブラリ・フレームワーク [#se7f734e]
--[[Connect to DDE Server:http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/16309/]]

**デストラクタ [#k238dbba]


*[[fwdsumatrapdf>SumatraPDF/fwdsumatrapdf]] &aname(fwdsumatrapdf); [#m066ad0f]

C++11 版も作成してみました.~
[[MinGW]] の GCC でビルドできます.~

 $ cd /c/w32tex/bin
 $ g++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi

Clang/LLVM でもビルド可能です.~

 $ cd /c/w32tex/bin
 $ clang++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi

Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 以降の C/C++ Optimizing Compiler for x86/x64 でもビルド可能です.~

 >cd /d c:\w32tex\bin
 >cl fwdsumatrapdf.cpp user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
 /* vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
  * MinGW
  * $ g++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi
  * Clang/LLVM
  * $ clang++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi
  * Microsoft Visual Studio Express
  * >cl fwdsumatrapdf.cpp user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <shlwapi.h>
 #include <ddeml.h>
 #if !defined (_MSC_VER)
 #include <shellapi.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <string>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <cwchar>
 #include <cerrno>
 using namespace std;
 auto static const TIMEOUT = 10000;
 auto static existSumatraHWND = FALSE;
 auto inline SumatraDdeCallback() -> HDDEDATA (CALLBACK *)(UINT uType, UINT uFmt, HCONV hconv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hdata, DWORD dwData1, DWORD dwData2) { return nullptr; };
 auto CALLBACK GetSumatraHWND(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) -> BOOL
     auto const maxSize = 1024;
     basic_string<wchar_t> windowText(maxSize, L'\0');
     GetWindowTextW(hwnd, const_cast<wchar_t*>(windowText.c_str()), maxSize);
     if (windowText.at(0) == L'\0') {
         return TRUE;
     wchar_t* title = nullptr;
     if ((title = wcsrchr(const_cast<wchar_t*>(windowText.c_str()), L'S')) == nullptr) {
         return TRUE;
     if (wcscmp(title, L"SumatraPDF") != 0) {
         return TRUE;
     existSumatraHWND = TRUE;
     return TRUE;
 namespace sumatrapdfclient
     class DdeClient
         basic_string<wchar_t> server;
         basic_string<wchar_t> topic;
         DWORD idInstance;
         HSZ hszServer;
         HSZ hszTopic;
         HCONV hConvClient;
         HDDEDATA hDdeData;
         HDDEDATA hDdeTransactionData;
         explicit DdeClient(const basic_string<wchar_t>& server, const basic_string<wchar_t>& topic)
             this->server = server;
             this->topic = topic;
             this->idInstance = 0;
             this->hszServer = nullptr;
             this->hszTopic = nullptr;
             this->hConvClient = nullptr;
             this->hDdeData = nullptr;
             this->hDdeTransactionData = nullptr;
             if (this->hDdeTransactionData != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeDataHandle(this->hDdeTransactionData) == FALSE) {
                     if (DdeGetLastError(this->idInstance) != 0) {
                         wcerr << L"DdeFreeDataHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hDdeData != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeDataHandle(this->hDdeData) == FALSE) {
                     if (DdeGetLastError(this->idInstance) != 0) {
                         wcerr << L"DdeFreeDataHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hszServer != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeStringHandle(this->idInstance, this->hszServer) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeFreeStringHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hszTopic != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeStringHandle(this->idInstance, this->hszTopic) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeFreeStringHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hConvClient != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeDisconnect(this->hConvClient) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeDisconnect error" << endl;
             if (this->idInstance != 0) {
                 if (DdeUninitialize(this->idInstance) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeUninitialize error" << endl;
         auto execute(const basic_string<wchar_t>& command) -> int
             if (DdeInitializeW(&(this->idInstance), reinterpret_cast<PFNCALLBACK>(SumatraDdeCallback()), APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0) != DMLERR_NO_ERROR) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeInitializeW error" << endl;
                 return 4;
             if ((this->hszServer = DdeCreateStringHandleW(this->idInstance, this->server.c_str(), CP_WINUNICODE)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeCreateStringHandleW error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandleW(this->idInstance, this->topic.c_str(), CP_WINUNICODE)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeCreateStringHandleW error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hConvClient = DdeConnect(this->idInstance, this->hszServer, this->hszTopic, nullptr)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeConnect error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hDdeData = DdeCreateDataHandle(this->idInstance, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(const_cast<wchar_t*>(command.c_str())), static_cast<DWORD>((command.length() + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)), 0, nullptr, CF_UNICODETEXT, 0)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeCreateDataHandle error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hDdeTransactionData = DdeClientTransaction(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(this->hDdeData), static_cast<DWORD>(-1), this->hConvClient, nullptr, 0, XTYP_EXECUTE, TIMEOUT, nullptr)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeClientTransaction error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             return 0;
 using namespace sumatrapdfclient;
 auto static RunSumatraPDF(const basic_string<wchar_t>& pdf) -> int
     auto err = 0;
     static HWND hList;
     EnumWindows(reinterpret_cast<WNDENUMPROC>(GetSumatraHWND), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(hList));
     if (existSumatraHWND == TRUE) {
         return err;
     HKEY subKey = nullptr;
     const basic_string<wchar_t> keyPath(LR"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe)");
     if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyPath.c_str(), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &subKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
         err = 1;
     DWORD dwType = 0;
     DWORD sz = 0;
     if (subKey != nullptr) {
         if (RegQueryValueExW(subKey, nullptr, nullptr, &dwType, nullptr, &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
             err = 1;
     basic_string<wchar_t> sumatrapdfRegistry(sz, L'\0');
     if (subKey != nullptr) {
         if (RegQueryValueExW(subKey, nullptr, nullptr, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(const_cast<wchar_t*>(sumatrapdfRegistry.c_str())), &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
             err = 1;
     if (subKey != nullptr) {
         subKey = nullptr;
     basic_string<wchar_t> sumatrapdf(L"SumatraPDF.exe");
     if (err == 0) {
         if (sumatrapdfRegistry.length() != 0) {
             if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfRegistry.c_str())) {
                 sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfRegistry;
             } else {
                 err = 1;
     if (err != 0) {
         err = 0;
         const wchar_t* sumatrapdfWin32Default = LR"(C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe)";
         const wchar_t* sumatrapdfWin64Default = LR"#(C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe)#";
         if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfWin32Default)) {
             sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfWin32Default;
         } else if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfWin64Default)) {
             sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfWin64Default;
         } else {
             sumatrapdf = L"SumatraPDF.exe";
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
     SecureZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
     SecureZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
     ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
     ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
     si.cb = sizeof(si);
     const basic_string<wchar_t> reuseInstance(L"-reuse-instance");
     basic_ostringstream<wchar_t> oss;
     oss << L"\"" << sumatrapdf << L"\" " << reuseInstance << L" \"" << pdf << L"\"";
     basic_string<wchar_t> sumatrapdfCommandLine(oss.str());
     if (CreateProcessW(nullptr, const_cast<wchar_t*>(sumatrapdfCommandLine.c_str()), nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi) == 0) {
         err = 3;
         return err;
     WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, TIMEOUT);
     return err;
 auto static DdeExecute(const basic_string<wchar_t>& server, const basic_string<wchar_t>& topic, const basic_string<wchar_t>& command) -> int
     auto dde = DdeClient(server, topic);
     return dde.execute(command);
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
 auto wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) -> int
 auto main() -> int
     auto err = 0;
 #if !defined (_MSC_VER)
     auto argc = 0;
     auto argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc);
     if (argc != 4) {
         wcerr << L"usage: " << argv[0] << L" pdffile texfile line" << endl;
         err = 2;
         return err;
     const basic_string<wchar_t> pdf(argv[1]);
     const basic_string<wchar_t> tex(argv[2]);
     const basic_string<wchar_t> line(argv[3]);
     if (wcstol(line.c_str(), nullptr, 0) == 0 || errno == ERANGE) {
         wcerr << line << L" can't convert to the line number." << endl;
         err = -1;
         return err;
     if ((err = RunSumatraPDF(pdf)) != 0) {
         return err;
     auto active = 0;
     basic_ostringstream<wchar_t> woss;
     woss << L"[ForwardSearch(\"" << pdf << L"\",\"" << tex << L"\"," << line << L",0,0," << active << L")]";
     const basic_string<wchar_t> forwardSearch(woss.str());
     const basic_string<wchar_t> server(L"SUMATRA");
     const basic_string<wchar_t> topic(L"control");
     if ((err = DdeExecute(server, topic, forwardSearch)) != 0) {
         return err;
     return err;