*F# [#e8696677]


&color(White,#5F2F2F){  ''◆目次◆''  };&br;


*F# 3.1.1 [#ff18d823]

-[[The F# Software Foundation:http://fsharp.org/]]
-[[F# at Microsoft Research - Microsoft Research:http://research.microsoft.com/fsharp/]]
-[[F# - 七誌の開発Wiki:http://seesaawiki.jp/w/n7shi/d/F%23]]
-[[F# Advent Calendar 2013:http://connpass.com/event/3935/]]

**F# → JavaScript [#c5c64235]

**インストール [#s1f0cd41]

***Windows [#a1ea7f03]

[[Use F# on Windows:http://fsharp.org/use/windows/]]~
[[Announcing Visual F# Tools 3.1.1, with support for Desktop and Web express:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/fsharpteam/archive/2014/01/22/announcing-visual-f-3-1-1-and-support-for-desktop-express.aspx]]~


[[Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop:http://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/download/details.aspx?id=40787]] または [[Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web:http://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/download/details.aspx?id=40747]] を使用している場合は [[Visual F# Out of Band Release 3.1.1:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41654]] をインストールすれば F# が使用できます.~

***OS X [#ja93cdf9]

[[Use F# on Mac OSX:http://fsharp.org/use/mac/]] を参照.~

***Linux [#z59322bf]

[[Use F# on Linux:http://fsharp.org/use/linux/]] を参照.~

*[[fwdsumatrapdf>SumatraPDF/fwdsumatrapdf]] &aname(fwdsumatrapdf); [#d94cb19a]

**F# 版 [#cfffdb72]

F# 版の fwdsumatrapdf は他の静的型付け言語で記述されたものに比べると短いことがわかると思います.~
F# 版の fwdsumatrapdf.exe のビルド・実行には F# が必要です.~

-fwdsumatrapdf.exe の作成方法
--F# をインストールします.
--C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fs または C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fsx を作成します.

 // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
 // >fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 // >fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 #r @"Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll"
 module Fwdsumatrapdf
 module Ddeml =
     open System
     open System.Runtime.InteropServices
     //exception DdemlError of string
     type DdemlError (e) = inherit Exception (e)
     type DdeCallback = delegate of uint32 * uint32 * nativeint * nativeint * nativeint * nativeint * uint32 * uint32 -> nativeint
     let APPCMD_CLIENTONLY = 0x10u
     let CP_WINUNICODE = 1200
     let CF_UNICODETEXT = 13u
     let XCLASS_FLAGS = 0x4000u
     let XTYP_EXECUTE = (0x0050u ||| XCLASS_FLAGS)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeInitializeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern uint32 DdeInitializeW (uint32&, DdeCallback, uint32, uint32)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeUninitialize", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeUninitialize (uint32)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeCreateStringHandleW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeCreateStringHandleW (uint32, string, int)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeFreeStringHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeFreeStringHandle (uint32, nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeCreateDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeCreateDataHandle (uint32, string, uint32, uint32, nativeint, uint32, uint32)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeFreeDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeFreeDataHandle (nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeConnect", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeConnect (uint32, nativeint, nativeint, nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeDisconnect", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeDisconnect (nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeClientTransaction", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeClientTransaction (nativeint, uint32, nativeint, nativeint, uint32, uint32, uint32, nativeint)
 module SumatraPDFClient =
     open System
     open System.IO
     open System.Diagnostics
     open System.ComponentModel
     open Microsoft.Win32
     open Microsoft.VisualBasic
     let timeout = 10000
     let Usage args = do
         let s = "usage: fsi " + fsi.CommandLineArgs.[0] + " pdffile texfile line"
         let s = "usage: " + (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs ()).[0] + " pdffile texfile line"
         match Array.length args with
         | 3 -> ()
         | _ -> do
             Console.Error.WriteLine s
             Environment.Exit 2
     let RunSumatraPDF pdf = do
         match Process.GetProcessesByName "SumatraPDF" |> Array.length with
         | 0 -> do
             let ps = new Process ()
                 let registryValue = ref "SumatraPDF.exe"
                 let keyPath = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe"
                 using (Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey keyPath) ( fun rKey ->
                     registryValue := String.Empty |> rKey.GetValue |> string
                 let sumatrapdfRegistry = !registryValue
                 match File.Exists sumatrapdfRegistry with
                 | true  -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfRegistry
                 | false -> new FileNotFoundException "File Not Found." |> raise
                 | e -> do
                      let sumatrapdfWin32Default = @"C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
                      let sumatrapdfWin64Default = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
                      match (File.Exists sumatrapdfWin32Default, File.Exists sumatrapdfWin64Default) with
                      | (true, true)   -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfWin32Default
                      | (true, false)  -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfWin32Default
                      | (false, true)  -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfWin64Default
                      | (false, false) -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- Interaction.InputBox ("Input the path to SumatraPDF.exe.", "fwdsumatrapdf", "SumatraPDF.exe")
             ps.StartInfo.Arguments <- "-reuse-instance " + "\"" + pdf + "\""
             ps.Start () |> ignore
             ps.WaitForInputIdle timeout |> ignore
         | _ -> ()
     let DdeExecute server topic command = do
         let mutable idInstance = 0u
         let mutable hszServer = 0n
         let mutable hszTopic = 0n
         let mutable hConvClient = 0n
         let mutable hDdeData = 0n
         let mutable hDdeTransactionData = 0n
             Ddeml.DdeInitializeW (&idInstance, new Ddeml.DdeCallback (fun uType uFmt hconv hsz1 hsz2 hdata dwData1 dwData2 -> 0n), Ddeml.APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0u) |> ignore
             if idInstance = 0u then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeInitializeW error" |> raise
             hszServer <- Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW (idInstance, server, Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE)
             if hszServer = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeCreateStringHandleW error" |> raise
             hszTopic <- Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW (idInstance, topic, Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE)
             if hszTopic = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeCreateStringHandleW error" |> raise
             hConvClient <- Ddeml.DdeConnect (idInstance, hszServer, hszTopic, 0n)
             if hConvClient = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeConnect error" |> raise
             hDdeData <- Ddeml.DdeCreateDataHandle (idInstance, command, uint32 ((String.length command + 1)*sizeof<char>), 0u, 0n, Ddeml.CF_UNICODETEXT, 0u)
             if hDdeData = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeCreateDataHandle error" |> raise
             hDdeTransactionData <- Ddeml.DdeClientTransaction (hDdeData, uint32 -1, hConvClient, 0n, 0u, Ddeml.XTYP_EXECUTE, uint32 timeout, 0n)
             if hDdeTransactionData = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeClientTransaction error" |> raise
             if hDdeTransactionData <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle (hDdeTransactionData) |> ignore
             if hDdeData <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle (hDdeData) |> ignore
             if hszServer <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle (idInstance, hszServer) |> ignore
             if hszTopic <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle (idInstance, hszTopic) |> ignore
             if hConvClient <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeDisconnect (hConvClient) |> ignore
             if idInstance <> 0u then Ddeml.DdeUninitialize (idInstance) |> ignore
     let Main args = do
         Usage args
         let pdf = args.[0]
         let tex = args.[1]
         let line = args.[2]
             int line |> ignore
             RunSumatraPDF pdf
             let active = 0
             let forwardSearch = "[ForwardSearch(\"" + pdf + "\",\"" + tex + "\"," + line + ",0,0," + string active + ")]"
             DdeExecute "SUMATRA" "control" forwardSearch
             | :? Win32Exception as e -> do
                  Console.Error.WriteLine e.Message
                  Environment.Exit -3
             | :? InvalidOperationException as e -> do
                  Console.Error.WriteLine e.Message
                  Environment.Exit -2
             | e -> do
                  Console.Error.WriteLine e.Message
                  Environment.Exit -1
 module Main =
     open System
     open SumatraPDFClient
     fsi.CommandLineArgs |> Array.toList |> List.tail |> List.toArray |> Main
     [<EntryPoint; STAThread>]
     let EntryPoint args =
         Main args

--fwdsumatrapdf.fs または fwdsumatrapdf.fsx をビルドして fwdsumatrapdf.exe を作成します.

C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fsx を fsc.exe でコンパイルすると C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.exe が作成されます.~

 >cd C:\w32tex\bin
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll -r:System.ServiceModel.Internals -r:SMDiagnostics --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll -r:System.ServiceModel.Internals -r:SMDiagnostics --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fsx

-64-bit Windows の場合
 │  └─bin
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.exe
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 │      └─fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 └─Program Files (x86)
     └─Microsoft SDKs
-32-bit Windows の場合
 │  └─bin
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.exe
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 │      └─fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 └─Program Files
     └─Microsoft SDKs

fwdsumatrapdf.fsx のように拡張子を .fsx とすればビルドせずに fsi.exe で実行することが可能です.~

 >fsi C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fsx hoge.pdf hoge.tex 30
