[[xyzzy]] > KaTeX

*KaTeX (配布終了) → [[YaTeX]] を使用する [#ife6863a]

&color(White,#5F2F2F){  ''◆目次◆''  };&br;


*設定 [#pea65968]

環境変数 XYZZYHOME が設定されている場合,.xyzzy ファイルは [[MinGW]] Shell (MSYS または MSYS2) や [[Cygwin]] Bash Shell から
 $ touch .xyzzy

MinGW や Cygwin がインストールされていない場合は,環境変数 XYZZYHOME で設定されているフォルダーで,テキスト ドキュメントを新規作成し,メモ帳で

KaTeX のアーカイブを展開して,フォルダーの名前を katex に変更して katex フォルダーをコピーして xyzzy の site-lisp フォルダーにペーストします.~


~/.xyzzy ファイルに設定を記述します.~
以下の設定では [[ptex2pdf]] を使用しています.~
W32TeX の場合は latexmk の実行には [[Strawberry Perl:http://strawberryperl.com/]] が必要です.~

 ;; KaTeX
 (push (merge-pathnames "site-lisp/katex" (si:system-root)) *load-path*)
 (require "elisp")
 (push '("\\.\\(tex\\|ltx\\|cls\\|sty\\|clo\\|bbl\\)$" . elisp::katex-mode) *auto-mode-alist*)
 (autoload 'elisp::katex-mode "katex" t)
 (setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter t)
 (setq elisp::KaTeX-kanji-code nil)
 (setq elisp::KaTeX-use-AMS-LaTeX t)
 (setq elisp::KaTeX-default-documentclass "jsarticle")
 (setq elisp::tex-command "ptex2pdf -u -l -ot \"-kanji=utf8 -no-guess-input-enc -synctex=1\"")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "pdflatex -synctex=1")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "lualatex -synctex=1")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "luajitlatex -synctex=1")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "xelatex -synctex=1")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk -e \"$latex=q/uplatex -kanji=utf8 -no-guess-input-enc -synctex=1/\" -e \"$bibtex=q/upbibtex/\" -e \"$makeindex=q/mendex -U/\" -e \"$dvipdf=q/dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S/\" -norc -gg -pdfdvi")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk -e \"$latex=q/uplatex -kanji=utf8 -no-guess-input-enc -synctex=1/\" -e \"$bibtex=q/upbibtex/\" -e \"$makeindex=q/mendex -U/\" -e \"$dvips=q/dvips %O -z -f %S | convbkmk -u > %D/\" -e \"$ps2pdf=q/ps2pdf.bat %O %S %D/\" -norc -gg -pdfps")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk -e \"$pdflatex=q/pdflatex -synctex=1/\" -e \"$bibtex=q/bibtex/\" -e \"$makeindex=q/makeindex/\" -norc -gg -pdf")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk -e \"$pdflatex=q/lualatex -synctex=1/\" -e \"$bibtex=q/bibtexu/\" -e \"$makeindex=q/texindy/\" -norc -gg -pdf")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk -e \"$pdflatex=q/luajitlatex -synctex=1/\" -e \"$bibtex=q/bibtexu/\" -e \"$makeindex=q/texindy/\" -norc -gg -pdf")
 ;(setq elisp::tex-command "latexmk -e \"$pdflatex=q/xelatex -synctex=1/\" -e \"$bibtex=q/bibtexu/\" -e \"$makeindex=q/texindy/\" -norc -gg -pdf")
 (setq elisp::bibtex-command (cond ((string-match "ptex2pdf\\|uplatex" elisp::tex-command) "upbibtex")
                                   ((string-match "lualatex\\|luajitlatex\\|xelatex" elisp::tex-command) "bibtexu")
                                   ((string-match "pdflatex\\|latex" elisp::tex-command) "bibtex")
                                   (t "upbibtex")))
 (setq elisp::makeindex-command (cond ((string-match "ptex2pdf\\|uplatex" elisp::tex-command) "mendex -U")
                                      ((string-match "lualatex\\|luajitlatex\\|xelatex" elisp::tex-command) "texindy")
                                      ((string-match "pdflatex\\|latex" elisp::tex-command) "makeindex")
                                      (t "mendex -U")))
 (setq elisp::dvi2-command "texworks")
 ;(setq elisp::dvi2-command "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL SumatraPDF -reuse-instance")
 ;(setq elisp::dvi2-command "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL firefox -new-window")
 ;(setq elisp::dvi2-command "powershell -Command \"& {$p = [System.String]::Concat('\"\"\"',[System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($args),'\"\"\"');Start-Process chrome -ArgumentList ('--new-window',$p)}\"")
 (setq elisp::dviprint-command-format "pdfopen --rxi --file %s.pdf")
 (setq elisp::*KaTeX-use-toolbar* t)
 (set-extended-key-translate-table exkey-M-return #\M-RET)
 (defun user::katex-mode ()
 (defun sumatrapdf-forward-search ()
   (let* ((tex-file (get-buffer-file-name))
          (pdf-file (concat (el::KaTeX-get-preview-file-name) ".pdf"))
          (line (format nil "~D" (current-line-number)))
          (cmd "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL SumatraPDF")
     (setq args (concat "-reuse-instance \"" pdf-file "\" -forward-search \"" tex-file "\" " line))
     (message (concat cmd " " args))
     (call-process (concat cmd " " args)
                   :exec-directory (directory-namestring tex-file))))
 (add-hook 'elisp::katex-mode-hook
           #'(lambda ()
               (define-key elisp::*KaTeX-mode-map* '(#\C-c #\s) 'sumatrapdf-forward-search)))
 (defun fwdsumatrapdf-forward-search ()
   (let* ((tex-file (get-buffer-file-name))
          (pdf-file (concat (el::KaTeX-get-preview-file-name) ".pdf"))
          (line (format nil "~D" (current-line-number)))
          (cmd "fwdsumatrapdf")
     (setq args (concat "\"" pdf-file "\" \"" tex-file "\" " line))
     (message (concat cmd " " args))
     (call-process (concat cmd " " args)
                   :exec-directory (directory-namestring tex-file))))
 (add-hook 'elisp::katex-mode-hook
           #'(lambda ()
               (define-key elisp::*KaTeX-mode-map* '(#\C-c #\w) 'fwdsumatrapdf-forward-search)))
 (add-hook 'elisp::katex-mode-hook
           #'(lambda ()
               (auto-fill-mode nil)))
 (require "katex")
 (require "katexlib")
 (require "katexprc")
 (defun elisp::KaTeX-preview (preview-command preview-file)
   "Execute xdvi (or other) to tex-preview."
 	"Preview command: "
 	(or (elisp::KaTeX-get-builtin "PREVIEW") elisp::dvi2-command)
 	;"Preview file[.dvi]: "
 	"Preview file: "
 	(if (get 'dvi2-command 'region)
 	    (substring KaTeX-texput-file
 		       0 (rindex KaTeX-texput-file #\.))
   (setq dvi2-command preview-command)	;`dvi2command' is buffer local
   ;(unless (string-matchp "\.dvi$" preview-file)
   ;    (setq preview-file (concat preview-file ".dvi")))
   (if (string-matchp "dviout" elisp::dvi2-command)
       (setq preview-file (concat preview-file ".dvi"))
     (setq preview-file (concat preview-file ".pdf")))
    ((file-exist-p preview-file)  ;m.m
       (elisp::KaTeX-visit-main t)
       (let ((pbuffer "*dvi-preview*") (dir default-directory))
 ;;;          (KaTeX-showup-buffer                     ;-> m.m
 ;;;            pbuffer (function (lambda (x) (nth 3 (window-edges x)))))
 ;;;	(set-buffer (get-buffer-create pbuffer))
 ;;;	(erase-buffer)
 	(make-local-variable 'need-not-save)
 	(setq need-not-save t) ;m.m <-
 	(setq default-directory dir)	;for 18
 	(cd dir)				;for 19
 	(setq preview-command (concat preview-command " " preview-file))
 	(when elisp::*typeset-with-shell-command*
 	  (setq preview-command (concat *shell* " " KaTeX-shell-command-option
 					" " preview-command)))
         (editor::call-process preview-command :no-std-handles t :show :show)
 	 (concat "Starting " preview-command
 		 " to preview " preview-file))
 	(refresh-screen) ;m.m (redraw-display)
    (elisp::*preview-with-typeset*  ;m.m ->
     (setq *typeset-and-preview* t
 	  *last-preview-command* preview-command
 	  *last-preview-file* preview-file)

*使い方 [#ycbb077d]

**タイプセット・プレビュー [#q3bf6923]

(setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter t) を使用してください.~
(setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter nil) は,非推奨 (deprecated) です.~

|COLOR(#FFF):BGCOLOR(#3C0):CENTER:~メニュー [KaTeX(K)]|COLOR(#FFF):BGCOLOR(#3C0):CENTER:~入力 (setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter t)|COLOR(#FFF):BGCOLOR(#3C0):CENTER:~機能|
|Process menu -> LaTeX|C-c C-t j|タイプセット|
|Process menu -> BibTeX|C-c C-t b|BibTeX|
|Process menu -> makeindex|C-c C-t i|MakeIndex|
|Process menu -> Preview|C-c C-t p|プレビュー|
||C-c C-t l|LPR (印刷)|
||C-c '|エラー行にジャンプ|

**補完 [#m9a1797e]

(setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter t) を使用してください.~
(setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter nil) は,非推奨 (deprecated) です.~

|COLOR(#FFF):BGCOLOR(#3C0):CENTER:~メニュー [KaTeX(K)]|COLOR(#FFF):BGCOLOR(#3C0):CENTER:~入力 (setq elisp::KaTeX-inhibit-prefix-letter t)|COLOR(#FFF):BGCOLOR(#3C0):CENTER:~補完|
|Environment -> リストから選択|C-c C-b SPC|begin 型補完|
|Environment region -> リストから選択|C-c B SPC|指定領域に対して begin 型補完|
|Section type -> リストから選択|C-c C-s|section 型補完|
|Section type region -> リストから選択|C-c S|指定領域に対して section 型補完|
|Insert end environment|C-c C-e|end 補完|

**タイプセット方式の変更 [#z61cfd29]

|M-x set-variable RET elisp::tex-command RET latexmk RET|latexmk|
|M-x set-variable RET elisp::tex-command RET pdflatex -synctex=1 RET|pdflatex|
|M-x set-variable RET elisp::tex-command RET lualatex -synctex=1 RET|lualatex|
|M-x set-variable RET elisp::tex-command RET luajitlatex -synctex=1 RET|luajitlatex|
|M-x set-variable RET elisp::tex-command RET xelatex -synctex=1 RET|xelatex|

**タイプセット方式の確認 [#fe934cb0]

|M-x describe-variable RET elisp::tex-command RET|