*[[Perl:http://www.perl.org/]] [#rf8f3586]


&color(White,#5F2F2F){  ''◆CONTENTS◆''  };&br;


*Perl 6 [#xd216707]

-[[Perl 6:http://perl6.org/]]
-[http://perlcabal.org/syn/ Official Perl 6 Documentation]
-[[Perl6入門書(Using Perl6)の日本語版を公開しました:http://perl.g.hatena.ne.jp/bosh/20140322/p1]]
-[http://moarvm.com/ MoarVM - A VM for NQP and Rakudo Perl 6]
-[http://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2012/perl6 Perl6 Advent Calendar 2012]
-[http://atnd.org/events/22820 Perl6 Advent Calendar 2011]

**ChangeLog [#fbf40da7]


**インストール (Windows) [#jc58fcd6]


**インストール (Linux) [#yc5da695]


***Arch Linux [#g18a79fa]


*Perl 5 [#lf5a8369]

-[[The Perl Programming Language - www.perl.org:http://www.perl.org/]]

Perl 5 は汎用スクリプト言語です.~
TeX 関連プログラムには Perl 5 で書かれたスクリプトがあります.~
latexmk.pl などの Perl 5 で書かれたスクリプトを実行するには Perl 5 の処理系が必要です.~
TeX Live の Win32 版には tlperl (Perl 5 の処理系) が含まれています.~
W32TeX を使用する場合は Strawberry Perl をインストールしてください.~

**ChangeLog [#i169c6d8]


**インストール (Windows) [#l06514b7]
***tlperl [#x3549067]

TeX Live の Win32 版には Perl 5 の処理系が収録されています.~


***Strawberry Perl [#bfff8462]

-[[Strawberry Perl:http://strawberryperl.com/]]

Strawberry Perl を C:\strawberry にインストールした場合は
がシステム環境変数 Path に追加されます.

***ActivePerl [#jad19d56]


***MSYS2 [#wedf6406]

 $ pacman -S perl

**インストール (Linux) [#y6a5abef]

***Arch Linux [#t5beee15]


**TeX関連モジュール [#y91d7e77]
-[[TeX-DVI - CPAN:http://search.cpan.org/~janpaz/TeX-DVI-1.01/]]
-[[TeX-XDV-Parse - CPAN:http://search.cpan.org/~jrm/TeX-XDV-Parse-0.02/]]

*[[fwdsumatrapdf>SumatraPDF/fwdsumatrapdf]] &aname(fwdsumatrapdf); [#m5826a55]

**Perl 版 [#ea342970]

Strawberry Perl で動作確認しています.~

 # vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 use v5.20;
 use feature ':all';
 use warnings;
 use utf8;
 use File::Spec;
 use FFI::Raw;
 use Win32::API;
 use Encode::Locale;
 use Encode;
 my $TIMEOUT = 10000;
 sub wchar($str) {
     return encode('UTF-16LE', $str . "\0");
 sub runSumatraPDF() {
     my $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002;
     my $KEY_QUERY_VALUE = 0x01;
     my $keyPath = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe';
     my $RegOpenKeyExW = Win32::API::More->new('advapi32', "RegOpenKeyExW", "NPNNP", "N");
     my $RegQueryValueExW = Win32::API::More->new('advapi32', "RegQueryValueExW", "NPPPPP", "N");
     my $RegCloseKey = Win32::API::More->new('advapi32', "RegCloseKey", "N", "N");
     my $CreateProcessW = Win32::API::More->new("kernel32", "CreateProcessW", "PPPPINPPTT", "I");
     my $WaitForInputIdle = Win32::API::More->new("user32", "WaitForInputIdle", "NN", "N");
 #    LPWSTR does **NOT** work!
 #    Win32::API::Struct->typedef('STARTUPINFOW', qw(
 #        DWORD cb;
 #        LPWSTR lpReserved;
 #        LPWSTR lpDesktop;
 #        LPWSTR lpTitle;
 #        DWORD dwX;
 #        DWORD dwY;
 #        DWORD dwXSize;
 #        DWORD dwYSize;
 #        DWORD dwXCountChars;
 #        DWORD dwYCountChars;
 #        DWORD dwFillAttribute;
 #        DWORD dwFlags;
 #        WORD wShowWindow;
 #        WORD cbReserved2;
 #        LPBYTE lpReserved2;
 #        HANDLE hStdInput;
 #        HANDLE hStdOutput;
 #        HANDLE hStdError;
 #    ));
     Win32::API::Struct->typedef('STARTUPINFOW', qw(
         DWORD cb;
         LPBYTE lpReserved;
         LPBYTE lpDesktop;
         LPBYTE lpTitle;
         DWORD dwX;
         DWORD dwY;
         DWORD dwXSize;
         DWORD dwYSize;
         DWORD dwXCountChars;
         DWORD dwYCountChars;
         DWORD dwFillAttribute;
         DWORD dwFlags;
         WORD wShowWindow;
         WORD cbReserved2;
         LPBYTE lpReserved2;
         HANDLE hStdInput;
         HANDLE hStdOutput;
         HANDLE hStdError;
     Win32::API::Struct->typedef('PROCESS_INFORMATION', qw(
         HANDLE hProcess;
         HANDLE hThread;
         DWORD dwProcessId;
         DWORD dwThreadId;
     my $si = Win32::API::Struct->new('STARTUPINFOW');
     my $pi = Win32::API::Struct->new('PROCESS_INFORMATION');
     my $subKey = pack('I', 0);
     my $dwType = pack('I', 0);
     my $sz = pack('I', 0);
     $RegOpenKeyExW->Call($HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wchar($keyPath), 0, $KEY_QUERY_VALUE, $subKey);
     $subKey = unpack('I', $subKey);
     $RegQueryValueExW->Call($subKey, 0, 0, $dwType, 0, $sz);
     my $sumatraPDFRegistry = "\0" x unpack('I', $sz);
     $RegQueryValueExW->Call($subKey, 0, 0, $dwType, $sumatraPDFRegistry, $sz);
     my $sumatrapdfRegStrLength = (sprintf("%d", unpack('I', $sz)) - 2) / 2;
     my $regValue = pack('A' . $sumatrapdfRegStrLength, decode('UTF-16LE', $sumatraPDFRegistry));
     my $sumatraPDFCommandLine = '"' . $regValue . '" -reuse-instance';
     $CreateProcessW->Call(0, wchar($sumatraPDFCommandLine), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $si, $pi);
     $WaitForInputIdle->Call($pi->{hProcess}, $TIMEOUT);
 sub ddeExecute($server, $topic, $command) {
     my $wcslen = FFI::Raw->new(
         'msvcrt.dll', 'wcslen',
     my $DdeInitializeW = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeInitializeW',
         FFI::Raw::str, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::uint
     my $DdeUninitialize = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeUninitialize',
     my $DdeCreateStringHandleW = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeCreateStringHandleW',
         FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::str, FFI::Raw::uint
     my $DdeFreeStringHandle = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeFreeStringHandle',
         FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::ptr
     my $DdeConnect = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeConnect',
         FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::ptr
     my $DdeDisconnect = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeDisconnect',
     my $DdeCreateDataHandle = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeCreateDataHandle',
         FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::str, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::uint
     my $DdeFreeDataHandle = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeFreeDataHandle',
     my $DdeClientTransaction = FFI::Raw->new(
         'user32.dll', 'DdeClientTransaction',
         FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::ptr, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::uint, FFI::Raw::ptr
     my $idInstance = pack('I', 0);
     my $APPCMD_CLIENTONLY = 0x10;
     my $CP_WINUNICODE = 1200;
     my $CF_UNICODETEXT = 13;
     my $XCLASS_FLAGS = 0x4000;
     my $XTYP_EXECUTE = (0x0050 | $XCLASS_FLAGS);
     $DdeInitializeW->call($idInstance, 0, $APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0);
     $idInstance = unpack('I', $idInstance);
     $idInstance or die "DdeInitializeW error";
     my $hszServer = $DdeCreateStringHandleW->call($idInstance, wchar($server), $CP_WINUNICODE) or die "DdeCreateStringHandleW error";
     my $hszTopic = $DdeCreateStringHandleW->call($idInstance, wchar($topic), $CP_WINUNICODE) or die "DdeCreateStringHandleW error";
     my $hConvClient = $DdeConnect->call($idInstance, $hszServer, $hszTopic, 0) or die "DdeConnect error";
     my $hDdeData = $DdeCreateDataHandle->call($idInstance, wchar($command), ($wcslen->call(wchar($command)) + 1)*2, 0, 0, $CF_UNICODETEXT, 0) or die "DdeCreateDataHandle error";
     my $hDdeTransactionData = $DdeClientTransaction->call($hDdeData, -1, $hConvClient, 0, 0, $XTYP_EXECUTE, $TIMEOUT, 0) or die "DdeClientTransaction error";
     $hDdeTransactionData and $DdeFreeDataHandle->call($hDdeTransactionData);
     $hDdeData and $DdeFreeDataHandle->call($hDdeData);
     $hszServer and $DdeFreeStringHandle->call($idInstance, $hszServer);
     $hszTopic and $DdeFreeStringHandle->call($idInstance, $hszTopic);
     $hConvClient and $DdeDisconnect->call($hConvClient);
     $idInstance and $DdeUninitialize->call($idInstance);
 if ($0 eq __FILE__) {
     $#ARGV == 2 or say "Usage: $0 pdf tex line" and exit 2;
     my $pdf = File::Spec->rel2abs($ARGV[0]);
     my $tex = File::Spec->rel2abs($ARGV[1]);
     my $line = sprintf("%d", $ARGV[2]) or die "Invalid argument!";
     my $server = 'SUMATRA';
     my $topic = 'control';
     my $command = '[ForwardSearch("' . $pdf . '","' . $tex . '",' . $line . ',0,0,0)]';
     ddeExecute($server, $topic, $command);
*関連リンク [#lbc0c2cf]
-[[This Perl goes to 11:http://perl11.org/]]
-[[Perl Advent Calendar Japan:http://perl-users.jp/articles/advent-calendar/]]
-[http://straitwalk.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/06/18/230159 Perl勉強日誌 - スマートマッチ]
-[http://itochin2.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/04/09/193633 perlのスマートマッチ演算子が怖い]