*[[SumatraPDF:http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/]] [#afa7a42e]


&color(White,#5F2F2F){  ''◆目次◆''  };&br;


*SumatraPDF とは [#td9ee2f0]

SumatraPDF は PDF, ePub, MOBI, CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ, CBR リーダーです.~
SyncTeX に対応しています.~
[[Adobe Reader]] よりも TeX のプレビューアに向いています.~
PDF ファイルだけではなく PostScript ファイルも表示可能です.([[Ghostscript]] が必要です.)~
プレビューする場合に複数の SumatraPDF が起動するのを防止したい場合は -reuse-instance オプションを追加します.~
forward search を行う場合は -forward-search <texfile> <linenumber> オプションを追加します.~

-[[SumatraPDF 公式サイト:http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/]]
--[[SumatraPDF pre-release builds:http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/prerelease.html]] テスト用のプレリリースビルド版
-[[sumatrapdf - PDF viewer for Windows - Google Project Hosting:https://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/]]
---[[DDEcommands :https://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/wiki/DDEcommands]]
-[[Sumatra PDF Viewer forum:http://forums.fofou.org/sumatrapdf/]]
--[[forward search fails in texlive 2011:http://forums.fofou.org/sumatrapdf/topic?id=2131346]]
--[[Forward search from Vim to sumatrapdf:http://forums.fofou.org/sumatrapdf/topic?id=2353338]]

**動作環境 [#z85aa9cd]

Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP

**License [#f48c8095]


**リリース情報/ChangeLog [#b67b5a28]


v1.9 から コマンドラインオプション (-forward-search <texfile> <linenumber>) を指定して forward search ができるようになりました. ([[SumatraPDF v1.9.4622:https://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/source/detail?r=4622]] を参照)~
v1.6 から PostScript ファイルの表示にも対応しました.([[Ghostscript]] が必要です.)~

**派生版・独自ビルド版 [#i2d3e037]

-[[SumatraPDF 先読み対応バージョン:https://gist.github.com/miau/5277670]]
-[[XhmikosR's builds home/sumatrapdf/:http://xhmikosr.1f0.de/index.php?folder=c3VtYXRyYXBkZg==]]
-最適化ビルド版の [[SumatraPDF x86/x64 Optimized Builds:http://guti.is-great.org/static.php?page=SumatraPDFOpt]]
-[[PortableApps.com:http://portableapps.com/]] の [[SumatraPDF Portable:http://portableapps.com/apps/office/sumatra_pdf_portable]]
-TeX ユーザのための [[SumatraPDF-TeX:http://william.famille-blum.org/software/sumatra/]] → 本家にマージされました.

*forward search [#m71d9172]

forward search を行うには TeX コマンドのオプションに -synctex=1 または -synctex=-1 を追加する必要があります.~
SumatraPDF v1.9 以降はコマンドラインオプション (-forward-search <texfile> <linenumber>) を指定して forward search を行うことが可能です.~

以下のエディタ・マクロ・プラグインは SumatraPDF v1.9 以降で forward and inverse search が可能です.

■ フリーソフトウェア (オープンソースソフトウェア)
--[[TeX mode>Emacs#tex-mode]]
--[[TeX mode>Emacs/TeX mode]]
--[[MTeX for Notepad++]]

■ フリーウェア (無料)

■ シェアウェア
-[[秀丸エディタ]] (シェアウェア)
--[[祝鳥 (のりてふ)>祝鳥]]
-[[Sublime Text]] (シェアウェア)
--[[LaTeXTools (LaTeX Plugin for Sublime Text 2)>Sublime Text#e60d4c0f]]

**fwdsumatrapdf.exe &aname(fwdsumatrapdf); [#n8da77e2]

fwdsumatrapdf.exe は SumatraPDF で forward search を行うツールです.~
forward search を行うには TeX コマンドのオプションに -synctex=1 または -synctex=-1 を追加する必要があります.~

***お知らせ [#ebfb06f5]
SumatraPDF v1.9 から コマンドラインオプション -forward-search <texfile> <linenumber> による forward search に対応しました.~
forward search するときに SumatraPDF を前面に表示したい場合は fwdsumatrapdf.exe を使用せずに SumatraPDF のコマンドラインオプションを使用してください.~
forward search するときに SumatraPDF を前面に表示したくない場合は fwdsumatrapdf.exe を使ってください.~
ただし,SumatraPDF の起動時は SumatraPDF が前面に表示されます.~

***F# 版 [#pd9dd173]
F# 版の fwdsumatrapdf.exe のビルド・実行には [[F#:http://fsharp.org/]] が必要です.~

-fwdsumatrapdf.exe の作成方法
--[[F#:http://fsharp.org/]] をインストールします.
---F# 3.0 でビルドできます.Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1 では [[F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34675]] をダウンロードしてインストールすれば F# 3.0 が使用できます.F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web は Visual Studio Express 2012 をインストールしなくても使用可能ですが F# でプログラムを作成したい方は Visual Studio Express 2012 をインストールすることをおすすめします.(Windows 7 SP1 の場合は .NET Framework 4.5 をインストールする必要があります)
---F# 2.0 でもビルドできます.Windows Vista, XP では Visual Studio Express 2012 が動作しないので Windows Vista, XP の場合は F# 2.0 を使用してください.F# 2.0 の場合は ([[Microsoft F#, April 2011 Community Technology Preview:http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=11100]]) をダウンロードしてインストールします.
--C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fs または C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fsx を作成します.

 // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
 // >fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 // >fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 #r @"Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll"
 module Fwdsumatrapdf
 module Ddeml =
     open System
     open System.Runtime.InteropServices
     //exception DdemlError of string
     type DdemlError (e) = inherit Exception (e)
     type DdeCallback = delegate of uint32 * uint32 * nativeint * nativeint * nativeint * nativeint * uint32 * uint32 -> nativeint
     let APPCMD_CLIENTONLY = 0x10u
     let CP_WINUNICODE = 1200
     let CF_UNICODETEXT = 13u
     let XCLASS_FLAGS = 0x4000u
     let XTYP_EXECUTE = (0x0050u ||| XCLASS_FLAGS)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeInitializeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern uint32 DdeInitializeW (uint32&, DdeCallback, uint32, uint32)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeUninitialize", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeUninitialize (uint32)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeCreateStringHandleW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeCreateStringHandleW (uint32, string, int)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeFreeStringHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeFreeStringHandle (uint32, nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeCreateDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeCreateDataHandle (uint32, string, uint32, uint32, nativeint, uint32, uint32)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeFreeDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeFreeDataHandle (nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeConnect", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeConnect (uint32, nativeint, nativeint, nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeDisconnect", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern bool DdeDisconnect (nativeint)
     [<DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeClientTransaction", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)>]
     extern nativeint DdeClientTransaction (nativeint, uint32, nativeint, nativeint, uint32, uint32, uint32, nativeint)
 module SumatraPDFClient =
     open System
     open System.IO
     open System.Diagnostics
     open System.ComponentModel
     open Microsoft.Win32
     open Microsoft.VisualBasic
     let timeout = 10000
     let Usage args = do
         let s = "usage: fsi " + fsi.CommandLineArgs.[0] + " pdffile texfile line"
         let s = "usage: " + (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs ()).[0] + " pdffile texfile line"
         match Array.length args with
         | 3 -> ()
         | _ -> do
             Console.Error.WriteLine s
             Environment.Exit 2
     let RunSumatraPDF pdf = do
         match Process.GetProcessesByName "SumatraPDF" |> Array.length with
         | 0 -> do
             let ps = new Process ()
                 let registryValue = ref "SumatraPDF.exe"
                 let keyPath = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe"
                 using (Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey keyPath) ( fun rKey ->
                     registryValue := String.Empty |> rKey.GetValue |> string
                 let sumatrapdfRegistry = !registryValue
                 match File.Exists sumatrapdfRegistry with
                 | true  -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfRegistry
                 | false -> new FileNotFoundException "File Not Found." |> raise
                 | e -> do
                      let sumatrapdfWin32Default = @"C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
                      let sumatrapdfWin64Default = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
                      match (File.Exists sumatrapdfWin32Default, File.Exists sumatrapdfWin64Default) with
                      | (true, true)   -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfWin32Default
                      | (true, false)  -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfWin32Default
                      | (false, true)  -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- sumatrapdfWin64Default
                      | (false, false) -> ps.StartInfo.FileName <- Interaction.InputBox ("Input the path to SumatraPDF.exe.", "fwdsumatrapdf", "SumatraPDF.exe")
             ps.StartInfo.Arguments <- "-reuse-instance " + "\"" + pdf + "\""
             ps.Start () |> ignore
             ps.WaitForInputIdle timeout |> ignore
         | _ -> ()
     let DdeExecute server topic command = do
         let mutable idInstance = 0u
         let mutable hszServer = 0n
         let mutable hszTopic = 0n
         let mutable hConvClient = 0n
         let mutable hDdeData = 0n
         let mutable hDdeTransactionData = 0n
             Ddeml.DdeInitializeW (&idInstance, new Ddeml.DdeCallback (fun uType uFmt hconv hsz1 hsz2 hdata dwData1 dwData2 -> 0n), Ddeml.APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0u) |> ignore
             if idInstance = 0u then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeInitializeW error" |> raise
             hszServer <- Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW (idInstance, server, Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE)
             if hszServer = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeCreateStringHandleW error" |> raise
             hszTopic <- Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW (idInstance, topic, Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE)
             if hszTopic = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeCreateStringHandleW error" |> raise
             hConvClient <- Ddeml.DdeConnect (idInstance, hszServer, hszTopic, 0n)
             if hConvClient = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeConnect error" |> raise
             hDdeData <- Ddeml.DdeCreateDataHandle (idInstance, command, uint32 ((String.length command + 1)*sizeof<char>), 0u, 0n, Ddeml.CF_UNICODETEXT, 0u)
             if hDdeData = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeCreateDataHandle error" |> raise
             hDdeTransactionData <- Ddeml.DdeClientTransaction (hDdeData, uint32 -1, hConvClient, 0n, 0u, Ddeml.XTYP_EXECUTE, uint32 timeout, 0n)
             if hDdeTransactionData = 0n then new Ddeml.DdemlError "DdeClientTransaction error" |> raise
             if hDdeTransactionData <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle (hDdeTransactionData) |> ignore
             if hDdeData <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle (hDdeData) |> ignore
             if hszServer <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle (idInstance, hszServer) |> ignore
             if hszTopic <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle (idInstance, hszTopic) |> ignore
             if hConvClient <> 0n then Ddeml.DdeDisconnect (hConvClient) |> ignore
             if idInstance <> 0u then Ddeml.DdeUninitialize (idInstance) |> ignore
     let Main args = do
         Usage args
         let pdf = args.[0]
         let tex = args.[1]
         let line = args.[2]
             int line |> ignore
             RunSumatraPDF pdf
             let active = 0
             let forwardSearch = "[ForwardSearch(\"" + pdf + "\",\"" + tex + "\"," + line + ",0,0," + string active + ")]"
             DdeExecute "SUMATRA" "control" forwardSearch
             | :? Win32Exception as e -> do
                  Console.Error.WriteLine e.Message
                  Environment.Exit -3
             | :? InvalidOperationException as e -> do
                  Console.Error.WriteLine e.Message
                  Environment.Exit -2
             | e -> do
                  Console.Error.WriteLine e.Message
                  Environment.Exit -1
 module Main =
     open System
     open SumatraPDFClient
     fsi.CommandLineArgs |> Array.toList |> List.tail |> List.toArray |> Main
     [<EntryPoint; STAThread>]
     let EntryPoint args =
         Main args

--fwdsumatrapdf.fs または fwdsumatrapdf.fsx をビルドして fwdsumatrapdf.exe を作成します.

C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fsx を fsc.exe でコンパイルすると C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.exe が作成されます.~

 >cd C:\w32tex\bin

-F# 3.0 の場合

 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll -r:System.ServiceModel.Internals -r:SMDiagnostics --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll -r:System.ServiceModel.Internals -r:SMDiagnostics --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fsx

-F# 2.0 の場合

 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fsx

-32bit Windows の場合
 │  └─bin
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.exe
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 │      └─fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 └─Program Files
     └─Microsoft SDKs
-64bit Windows の場合
 │  └─bin
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.exe
 │      ├─fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 │      └─fwdsumatrapdf.fsx
 └─Program Files (x86)
     └─Microsoft SDKs

fwdsumatrapdf.fsx のように拡張子を .fsx とすればビルドせずに fsi.exe で実行することが可能です.~

 >fsi C:\w32tex\bin\fwdsumatrapdf.fsx hoge.pdf hoge.tex 30


-F# 2.0 でビルドする場合の注意点

F# 2.0 でビルドするときに --standalone オプションを追加しなかった場合,環境によっては fwdsumatrapdf.exe を実行したときに以下のような例外が発生するかもしれません.

 ハンドルされていない例外: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: ファイルまたはアセン
 ブリ 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=????????????
 ????'、またはその依存関係の 1 つが読み込めませんでした。指定されたファイルが見つ
 ファイル名 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=??????
 ??????????' です。
    場所 Fwdsumatrapdf.SumatraPDFClient.Main(String[] args)
    場所 Fwdsumatrapdf.Main.EntryPoint(String[] args)

上記のエラーが発生する場合は以下のように --standalone オプションを追加してビルドしてください.

 >cd C:\w32tex\bin
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fs
 C:\w32tex\bin>fsc -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll --standalone fwdsumatrapdf.fsx

F# 2.0 でビルドするときに --standalone オプションを追加した場合以下の警告が表示されるかもしれませんが実行できるので気にしないでください.

 warning FS2009: Ignoring mixed managed/unmanaged assembly 'System.Data' during s
 tatic linking
 warning FS2009: Ignoring mixed managed/unmanaged assembly 'System.Transactions'
 during static linking
 warning FS2009: Ignoring mixed managed/unmanaged assembly 'System.Data.OracleCli
 ent' during static linking

//F# 3.0 の場合
// warning FS2011: Assembly 'System.ServiceModel.Internals' was referenced transiti
// vely and the assembly could not be resolved automatically. Static linking will a
// ssume this DLL has no dependencies on the F# library or other statically linked
// DLLs. Consider adding an explicit reference to this DLL.
// warning FS2011: Assembly 'SMDiagnostics' was referenced transitively and the ass
// embly could not be resolved automatically. Static linking will assume this DLL h
// as no dependencies on the F# library or other statically linked DLLs. Consider a
// dding an explicit reference to this DLL.

***C# 版 [#de1b4851]
C# 版も作成してみました.~

 >cd C:\w32tex\bin
 C:\w32tex\bin>csc /r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.cs

Mono C# compiler (mcs) でもビルドできます.~

 >cd C:\w32tex\bin
 C:\w32tex\bin>mcs -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.cs

 // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
 // >csc /r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.cs
 // >mcs -r:Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll fwdsumatrapdf.cs
 namespace Ddeml
     using System;
     using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
     public class Ddeml
         public class DdemlError : Exception
             public DdemlError(string e) : base(e)
         public delegate IntPtr DdeCallback(uint uType, uint uFmt, IntPtr hconv, IntPtr hsz1, IntPtr hsz2, IntPtr hdata, uint dwData1, uint dwData2);
         public const uint APPCMD_CLIENTONLY = 0x10u;
         public const int CP_WINUNICODE = 1200;
         public const uint CF_UNICODETEXT = 13u;
         public const uint XCLASS_FLAGS = 0x4000u;
         public const uint XTYP_EXECUTE = (0x0050u | XCLASS_FLAGS);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeInitializeW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern uint DdeInitializeW(ref uint pidInst, DdeCallback pfnCallback, uint afCmd, uint ulRes);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeUninitialize", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern bool DdeUninitialize(uint idInst);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeCreateStringHandleW", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern IntPtr DdeCreateStringHandleW(uint idInst, string psz, int iCodePage);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeFreeStringHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern bool DdeFreeStringHandle(uint idInst, IntPtr hsz);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeCreateDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern IntPtr DdeCreateDataHandle(uint idInst, string pSrc, uint cb, uint cbOff, IntPtr hszItem, uint wFmt, uint afCmd);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeFreeDataHandle", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern bool DdeFreeDataHandle(IntPtr hData);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeConnect", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern IntPtr DdeConnect(uint idInst, IntPtr hszServer, IntPtr hszTopic, IntPtr pCC);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeDisconnect", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern bool DdeDisconnect(IntPtr hConvList);
         [DllImport(@"user32.dll", EntryPoint="DdeClientTransaction", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
         public static extern IntPtr DdeClientTransaction(IntPtr pData, uint cbData, IntPtr hConv, IntPtr hszItem, uint wFmt, uint wType, uint dwTimeout, IntPtr pdwResult);
 namespace SumatraPDFClient
     using System;
     using System.IO;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using System.ComponentModel;
     using Microsoft.Win32;
     using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
     using Ddeml;
     public class ForwardSearch
         private const int timeout = 10000;
         private static void Usage(string[] args)
             var s = "usage: " + Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0] + " pdffile texfile line";
             if (args.Length == 3) {
             else {
         private static void RunSumatraPDF(string pdf)
             if (Process.GetProcessesByName("SumatraPDF").Length != 0) {
             else {
                 var ps = new Process();
                 try {
                     var sumatrapdfRegistry = "SumatraPDF.exe";
                     var keyPath = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe";
                     using (var rKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(keyPath)) {
                         sumatrapdfRegistry = rKey.GetValue(string.Empty).ToString();
                     if (File.Exists(sumatrapdfRegistry)) {
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = sumatrapdfRegistry;
                     else {
                         throw new FileNotFoundException();
                 catch (Exception) {
                     var sumatrapdfWin32Default = @"C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe";
                     var sumatrapdfWin64Default = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe";
                     if (File.Exists(sumatrapdfWin32Default)) {
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = sumatrapdfWin32Default;
                     else if (File.Exists(sumatrapdfWin64Default)) {
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = sumatrapdfWin64Default;
                     else {
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = Interaction.InputBox("Input the path to SumatraPDF.exe.", "fwdsumatrapdf", "SumatraPDF.exe");
                 ps.StartInfo.Arguments = "-reuse-instance " + "\"" + pdf + "\"";
         private static void DdeExecute(string server, string topic, string command)
             var idInstance = 0u;
             var hszServer = IntPtr.Zero;
             var hszTopic = IntPtr.Zero;
             var hConvClient = IntPtr.Zero;
             var hDdeData = IntPtr.Zero;
             var hDdeTransactionData = IntPtr.Zero;
             try {
                 Ddeml.DdeInitializeW(ref idInstance, (uType, uFmt, hconv, hsz1, hsz2, hdata, dwData1, dwData2) => IntPtr.Zero, Ddeml.APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0u);
                 if (idInstance == 0u) throw new Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeInitializeW error");
                 hszServer = Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, server, Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE);
                 if (hszServer == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeCreateStringHandleW error");
                 hszTopic = Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, topic, Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE);
                 if (hszTopic == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeCreateStringHandleW error");
                 hConvClient = Ddeml.DdeConnect(idInstance, hszServer, hszTopic, IntPtr.Zero);
                 if (hConvClient == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeConnect error");
                 hDdeData = Ddeml.DdeCreateDataHandle(idInstance, command, (uint)((command.Length + 1)*sizeof(char)), 0u, IntPtr.Zero, Ddeml.CF_UNICODETEXT, 0u);
                 if (hDdeData == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeCreateDataHandle error");
                 hDdeTransactionData = Ddeml.DdeClientTransaction(hDdeData, unchecked((uint)-1), hConvClient, IntPtr.Zero, 0u, Ddeml.XTYP_EXECUTE, (uint)timeout, IntPtr.Zero);
                 if (hDdeTransactionData == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeClientTransaction error");
             finally {
                 if (hDdeTransactionData != IntPtr.Zero) Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeTransactionData);
                 if (hDdeData != IntPtr.Zero) Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeData);
                 if (hszServer != IntPtr.Zero) Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszServer);
                 if (hszTopic != IntPtr.Zero) Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszTopic);
                 if (hConvClient != IntPtr.Zero) Ddeml.DdeDisconnect(hConvClient);
                 if (idInstance != 0u) Ddeml.DdeUninitialize(idInstance);
         public static void Main(string[] args)
             var pdf = args[0];
             var tex = args[1];
             var line = args[2];
             try {
                 var active = 0;
                 var forwardSearch = "[ForwardSearch(\"" + pdf + "\",\"" + tex + "\"," + line + ",0,0," + active.ToString() + ")]";
                 DdeExecute("SUMATRA", "control", forwardSearch);
             catch (Win32Exception e) {
             catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
             catch (Exception e) {

***VB 版 [#hc64ff38]
VB 版も作成してみました.~

 >cd C:\w32tex\bin
 C:\w32tex\bin>vbc fwdsumatrapdf.vb

 ' vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
 ' >vbc fwdsumatrapdf.vb
 Option Compare Binary
 Option Explicit On
 Option Infer On
 Option Strict On
 Imports System
 Imports System.IO
 Imports System.Diagnostics
 Imports System.ComponentModel
 Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
 Imports Microsoft.Win32
 Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
 Namespace Ddeml
     Public Class Ddeml
         Public Class DdemlError
             Inherits Exception
             Public Sub New(e As String)
             End Sub
         End Class
         Public Delegate Function DdeCallback(uType As UInteger, uFmt As UInteger, hconv As IntPtr, hsz1 As IntPtr, hsz2 As IntPtr, hdata As IntPtr, dwData1 As UInteger, dwData2 As UInteger) As IntPtr
         Public Const APPCMD_CLIENTONLY As UInteger = &H10UI
         Public Const CP_WINUNICODE As Integer = 1200I
         Public Const CF_UNICODETEXT As UInteger = 13UI
         Public Const XCLASS_FLAGS As UInteger = &H4000UI
         Public Const XTYP_EXECUTE As UInteger = (&H0050UI Or XCLASS_FLAGS)
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeInitializeW", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeInitializeW(ByRef pidInst As UInteger, pfnCallback As DdeCallback, afCmd As UInteger, ulRes As UInteger) As UInteger
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeUninitialize", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeUninitialize(idInst As UInteger) As Boolean
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeCreateStringHandleW", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInst As UInteger, psz As String, iCodePage As Integer) As IntPtr
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeFreeStringHandle", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeFreeStringHandle(idInst As UInteger, hsz As IntPtr) As Boolean
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeCreateDataHandle", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeCreateDataHandle(idInst As UInteger, pSrc As String, cb As UInteger, cbOff As UInteger, hszItem As IntPtr, wFmt As UInteger, afCmd As UInteger) As IntPtr
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeFreeDataHandle", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeFreeDataHandle(hData As IntPtr) As Boolean
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeConnect", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeConnect(idInst As UInteger , hszServer As IntPtr, hszTopic As IntPtr, pCC As IntPtr) As IntPtr
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeDisconnect", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeDisconnect(hConvList As IntPtr) As Boolean
         End Function
         <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="DdeClientTransaction", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
         Public Shared Function DdeClientTransaction(pData As IntPtr, cbData As UInteger, hConv As IntPtr, hszItem As IntPtr, wFmt As UInteger, wType As UInteger, dwTimeout As UInteger, pdwResult As IntPtr) As IntPtr
         End Function
     End Class
 End Namespace
 Namespace SumatraPDFClient
     Public Class ForwardSearch
         Private Const timeout As Integer = 10000I
         Private Shared Sub Usage(args As String())
             Dim s = "usage: " & Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()(0) & " pdffile texfile line"
             If args.Length = 3 Then
             End If
         End Sub
         Private Shared Sub RunSumatraPDF(pdf As String)
             If Process.GetProcessesByName("SumatraPDF").Length <> 0 Then
                 Dim ps = New Process()
                     Dim sumatrapdfRegistry = "SumatraPDF.exe"
                     Dim keyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SumatraPDF.exe"
                     Using rKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(keyPath)
                         sumatrapdfRegistry = rKey.GetValue(String.Empty).ToString()
                     End Using
                     If File.Exists(sumatrapdfRegistry) Then
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = sumatrapdfRegistry
                         Throw New FileNotFoundException()
                     End If
                 Catch e As Exception
                     Dim sumatrapdfWin32Default = "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
                     Dim sumatrapdfWin64Default = "C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
                     if File.Exists(sumatrapdfWin32Default) Then
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = sumatrapdfWin32Default
                     Else If File.Exists(sumatrapdfWin64Default) Then
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = sumatrapdfWin64Default
                         ps.StartInfo.FileName = Interaction.InputBox("Input the path to SumatraPDF.exe.", "fwdsumatrapdf", "SumatraPDF.exe")
                     End If
                 End Try
                 ps.StartInfo.Arguments = "-reuse-instance " & """" & pdf & """"
             End If
         End Sub
         Private Shared Sub DdeExecute(server As String, topic As String, executeCommand As String)
             Dim idInstance = 0UI
             Dim hszServer = IntPtr.Zero
             Dim hszTopic = IntPtr.Zero
             Dim hConvClient = IntPtr.Zero
             Dim hDdeData = IntPtr.Zero
             Dim hDdeTransactionData = IntPtr.Zero
                 Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeInitializeW(idInstance, Function(uType, uFmt, hconv, hsz1, hsz2, hdata, dwData1, dwData2) IntPtr.Zero, Ddeml.Ddeml.APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0UI)
                 If idInstance = 0UI Then Throw New Ddeml.Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeInitializeW error")
                 hszServer = Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, server, Ddeml.Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE)
                 If hszServer = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Ddeml.Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeCreateStringHandleW error")
                 hszTopic = Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, topic, Ddeml.Ddeml.CP_WINUNICODE)
                 If hszTopic = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Ddeml.Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeCreateStringHandleW error")
                 hConvClient = Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeConnect(idInstance, hszServer, hszTopic, IntPtr.Zero)
                 If hConvClient = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Ddeml.Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeConnect error")
                 hDdeData = Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeCreateDataHandle(idInstance, executeCommand, CType((executeCommand.Length + 1)*Len(Char.MinValue), UInteger), 0UI, IntPtr.Zero, Ddeml.Ddeml.CF_UNICODETEXT, 0UI)
                 If hDdeData = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Ddeml.Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeCreateDataHandle error")
                 hDdeTransactionData = Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeClientTransaction(hDdeData, UInteger.MaxValue, hConvClient, IntPtr.Zero, 0UI, Ddeml.Ddeml.XTYP_EXECUTE, CType(timeout, UInteger), IntPtr.Zero)
                 If hDdeTransactionData = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Ddeml.Ddeml.DdemlError("DdeClientTransaction error")
                 If hDdeTransactionData <> IntPtr.Zero Then Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeTransactionData)
                 If hDdeData <> IntPtr.Zero Then Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeData)
                 If hszServer <> IntPtr.Zero Then Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszServer)
                 If hszTopic <> IntPtr.Zero Then Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszTopic)
                 If hConvClient <> IntPtr.Zero Then Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeDisconnect(hConvClient)
                 If idInstance <> 0UI Then Ddeml.Ddeml.DdeUninitialize(idInstance)
             End Try
         End Sub
         <STAThread> _
         Public Shared Sub Main(args As String())
             Dim pdf = args(0)
             Dim tex = args(1)
             Dim texLine = args(2)
                 Dim active = 0I
                 Dim forwardSearch = "[ForwardSearch(""" & pdf & """,""" & tex & """," & texLine & ",0,0," & active.ToString() & ")]"
                 DdeExecute("SUMATRA", "control", forwardSearch)
             Catch e As Win32Exception
             Catch e As InvalidOperationException
             Catch e As Exception
             End Try
         End Sub
     End Class
 End Namespace

***C++11 版 [#p11a58d5]

C++11 版も作成してみました.~
[[MinGW]] の GCC でビルドできます.~

 $ cd /c/w32tex/bin
 $ g++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi

Microsoft Visual Studio Express の C/C++ Optimizing Compiler for x86/x64 でもビルド可能です.~

 >cd /d c:\w32tex\bin
 >cl fwdsumatrapdf.cpp user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
 /* vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
  * MinGW
  * $ g++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi
  * Microsoft Visual Studio Express
  * >cl fwdsumatrapdf.cpp user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <shlwapi.h>
 #include <ddeml.h>
 #if !defined (_MSC_VER)
 #include <shellapi.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <string>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <cwchar>
 #include <cerrno>
 using namespace std;
 auto static const TIMEOUT = 10000;
 auto static existSumatraHWND = FALSE;
 auto inline SumatraDdeCallback() -> HDDEDATA (CALLBACK *)(UINT uType, UINT uFmt, HCONV hconv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hdata, DWORD dwData1, DWORD dwData2) { return nullptr; };
 auto CALLBACK GetSumatraHWND(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) -> BOOL
     auto const maxSize = 1024;
     basic_string<wchar_t> windowText(maxSize, L'\0');
     GetWindowTextW(hwnd, const_cast<wchar_t*>(windowText.c_str()), maxSize);
     if (windowText.at(0) == L'\0') {
         return TRUE;
     wchar_t* title = nullptr;
     if ((title = wcsrchr(const_cast<wchar_t*>(windowText.c_str()), L'S')) == nullptr) {
         return TRUE;
     if (wcscmp(title, L"SumatraPDF") != 0) {
         return TRUE;
     existSumatraHWND = TRUE;
     return TRUE;
 namespace sumatrapdfclient
     template<typename T>
     class DdeClient
         DWORD idInstance;
         HSZ hszServer;
         HSZ hszTopic;
         HCONV hConvClient;
         HDDEDATA hDdeData;
         HDDEDATA hDdeTransactionData;
         explicit DdeClient()
             this->idInstance = 0;
             this->hszServer = nullptr;
             this->hszTopic = nullptr;
             this->hConvClient = nullptr;
             this->hDdeData = nullptr;
             this->hDdeTransactionData = nullptr;
             if (this->hDdeTransactionData != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeDataHandle(this->hDdeTransactionData) == FALSE) {
                     if (DdeGetLastError(this->idInstance) != 0) {
                         wcerr << L"DdeFreeDataHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hDdeData != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeDataHandle(this->hDdeData) == FALSE) {
                     if (DdeGetLastError(this->idInstance) != 0) {
                         wcerr << L"DdeFreeDataHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hszServer != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeStringHandle(this->idInstance, this->hszServer) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeFreeStringHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hszTopic != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeFreeStringHandle(this->idInstance, this->hszTopic) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeFreeStringHandle error" << endl;
             if (this->hConvClient != nullptr) {
                 if (DdeDisconnect(this->hConvClient) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeDisconnect error" << endl;
             if (this->idInstance != 0) {
                 if (DdeUninitialize(this->idInstance) == FALSE) {
                     wcerr << L"DdeUninitialize error" << endl;
         auto execute(const basic_string<T>& server, const basic_string<T>& topic, const basic_string<T>& command) -> int
             if (DdeInitializeW(&(this->idInstance), reinterpret_cast<PFNCALLBACK>(SumatraDdeCallback()), APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0) != DMLERR_NO_ERROR) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeInitializeW error" << endl;
                 return 4;
             if ((this->hszServer = DdeCreateStringHandleW(this->idInstance, server.c_str(), CP_WINUNICODE)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeCreateStringHandleW error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandleW(this->idInstance, topic.c_str(), CP_WINUNICODE)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeCreateStringHandleW error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hConvClient = DdeConnect(this->idInstance, this->hszServer, this->hszTopic, nullptr)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeConnect error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hDdeData = DdeCreateDataHandle(this->idInstance, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(const_cast<T*>(command.c_str())), static_cast<DWORD>((command.length() + 1)*sizeof(T)), 0, nullptr, CF_UNICODETEXT, 0)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeCreateDataHandle error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if ((this->hDdeTransactionData = DdeClientTransaction(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(this->hDdeData), static_cast<DWORD>(-1), this->hConvClient, nullptr, 0, XTYP_EXECUTE, TIMEOUT, nullptr)) == nullptr) {
                 wcerr << L"DdeClientTransaction error" << endl;
                 return DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             return 0;
 using namespace sumatrapdfclient;
 template<typename T>
 auto static RunSumatraPDF(const basic_string<T>& pdf) -> int
     auto err = 0;
     static HWND hList;
     EnumWindows(reinterpret_cast<WNDENUMPROC>(GetSumatraHWND), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(hList));
     if (existSumatraHWND == TRUE) {
         return err;
     HKEY subKey = nullptr;
     const basic_string<T> keyPath(L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\SumatraPDF.exe");
     if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyPath.c_str(), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &subKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
         err = 1;
     DWORD dwType = 0;
     DWORD sz = 0;
     if (subKey != nullptr) {
         if (RegQueryValueExW(subKey, nullptr, nullptr, &dwType, nullptr, &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
             err = 1;
     basic_string<T> sumatrapdfRegistry(sz, L'\0');
     if (subKey != nullptr) {
         if (RegQueryValueExW(subKey, nullptr, nullptr, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(const_cast<T*>(sumatrapdfRegistry.c_str())), &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
             err = 1;
     if (subKey != nullptr) {
         subKey = nullptr;
     basic_string<T> sumatrapdf(L"SumatraPDF.exe");
     if (err == 0) {
         if (sumatrapdfRegistry.length() != 0) {
             if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfRegistry.c_str())) {
                 sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfRegistry;
             } else {
                 err = 1;
     if (err != 0) {
         err = 0;
         const T* sumatrapdfWin32Default = L"C:\\Program Files\\SumatraPDF\\SumatraPDF.exe";
         const T* sumatrapdfWin64Default = L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SumatraPDF\\SumatraPDF.exe";
         if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfWin32Default)) {
             sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfWin32Default;
         } else if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfWin64Default)) {
             sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfWin64Default;
         } else {
             sumatrapdf = L"SumatraPDF.exe";
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
     SecureZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
     SecureZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
     ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
     ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
     si.cb = sizeof(si);
     const basic_string<T> reuseInstance(L"-reuse-instance");
     basic_ostringstream<T> oss;
     oss << L"\"" << sumatrapdf << L"\" " << reuseInstance << L" \"" << pdf << L"\"";
     basic_string<T> sumatrapdfCommandLine(oss.str());
     if (CreateProcessW(nullptr, const_cast<T*>(sumatrapdfCommandLine.c_str()), nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi) == 0) {
         err = 3;
         return err;
     WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, TIMEOUT);
     return err;
 template<typename T>
 auto static DdeExecute(const basic_string<T>& server, const basic_string<T>& topic, const basic_string<T>& command) -> int
     auto dde = DdeClient<T>();
     return dde.execute(server, topic, command);
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
 auto wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) -> int
 auto main() -> int
     auto err = 0;
 #if !defined (_MSC_VER)
     auto argc = 0;
     auto argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc);
     if (argc != 4) {
         wcerr << L"usage: " << argv[0] << L" pdffile texfile line" << endl;
         err = 2;
         return err;
     const basic_string<wchar_t> pdf(argv[1]);
     const basic_string<wchar_t> tex(argv[2]);
     const basic_string<wchar_t> line(argv[3]);
     if (wcstol(line.c_str(), nullptr, 0) == 0 || errno == ERANGE) {
         wcerr << line << L" can't convert to the line number." << endl;
         err = -1;
         return err;
     if ((err = RunSumatraPDF(pdf)) != 0) {
         return err;
     auto active = 0;
     basic_ostringstream<wchar_t> woss;
     woss << L"[ForwardSearch(\"" << pdf << L"\",\"" << tex << L"\"," << line << L",0,0," << active << L")]";
     const basic_string<wchar_t> forwardSearch(woss.str());
     const basic_string<wchar_t> server(L"SUMATRA");
     const basic_string<wchar_t> topic(L"control");
     if ((err = DdeExecute(server, topic, forwardSearch)) != 0) {
         return err;
     return err;

***C, C++ 版 [#qf7ea8bf]
C, C++ 版も作成してみました.~
[[MinGW]] の GCC でビルドできます.~

C の場合
 $ cd /c/w32tex/bin
 $ gcc -std=c11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.c -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi

C++ の場合
 $ cd /c/w32tex/bin
 $ g++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi

Microsoft Visual Studio Express の C/C++ Optimizing Compiler for x86/x64 でもビルド可能です.~

C の場合
 >cd /d c:\w32tex\bin
 >cl fwdsumatrapdf.c user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib

C++ の場合
 >cd /d c:\w32tex\bin
 >cl fwdsumatrapdf.cpp user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
 /* vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab:
  * MinGW
  * $ gcc -std=c11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.c -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi
  * $ g++ -std=c++11 -static -o fwdsumatrapdf.exe fwdsumatrapdf.cpp -luser32 -lshell32 -ladvapi32 -lshlwapi
  * Microsoft Visual Studio Express
  * >cl fwdsumatrapdf.c user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
  * >cl fwdsumatrapdf.cpp user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <shlwapi.h>
 #include <ddeml.h>
 #if !defined (_MSC_VER)
 #include <shellapi.h>
 #if defined (__cplusplus)
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <cwchar>
 #include <cerrno>
 #include <clocale>
 using namespace std;
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <wchar.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <locale.h>
 #if defined (__cplusplus)
 #define restrict
 #elif defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
 #define restrict __restrict
 #elif defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L)
 #define restrict
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
 #if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
 #define snwprintf(buffer, count, format, ...) _snwprintf_s(buffer, count, _TRUNCATE, format, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define snwprintf _snwprintf
 static int RunSumatraPDF(const wchar_t* restrict);
 static int DdeExecute(const wchar_t* restrict, const wchar_t* restrict, const wchar_t* restrict);
 #define TIMEOUT 10000
 static BOOL existSumatraHWND = FALSE;
 SumatraDdeCallback(UINT uType,
                    UINT uFmt,
                    HCONV hconv,
                    HSZ hsz1,
                    HSZ hsz2,
                    HDDEDATA hdata,
                    DWORD dwData1,
                    DWORD dwData2)
   return NULL;
 GetSumatraHWND(HWND hwnd,
                LPARAM lParam)
     wchar_t* title = NULL;
     wchar_t windowText[FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE] = L"";
     GetWindowTextW(hwnd, windowText, FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE);
     if (windowText[0] == L'\0') {
         return TRUE;
     if ((title = wcsrchr(windowText, L'S')) == NULL) {
         return TRUE;
     if (wcscmp(title, L"SumatraPDF") != 0) {
         return TRUE;
     existSumatraHWND = TRUE;
     return TRUE;
 static int
 RunSumatraPDF(const wchar_t* restrict pdf)
     int err = 0;
     HKEY subKey = NULL;
     const wchar_t* keyPath = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\SumatraPDF.exe";
     DWORD dwType = 0;
     DWORD sz = 0;
     wchar_t sumatrapdfRegistry[FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE] = L"";
     const wchar_t* sumatrapdfWin32Default = L"C:\\Program Files\\SumatraPDF\\SumatraPDF.exe";
     const wchar_t* sumatrapdfWin64Default = L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SumatraPDF\\SumatraPDF.exe";
     wchar_t* sumatrapdf = (wchar_t*)L"SumatraPDF.exe";
     const wchar_t* reuseInstance = L"-reuse-instance";
     wchar_t sumatrapdfCommandLine[FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE] = L"";
     static HWND hList;
     EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)GetSumatraHWND, (LPARAM)hList);
     if (existSumatraHWND == TRUE) {
         return err;
     if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyPath, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &subKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
         err = 1;
     if (subKey != NULL) {
         if (RegQueryValueExW(subKey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
             err = 1;
     if (subKey != NULL) {
         if (RegQueryValueExW(subKey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)sumatrapdfRegistry, &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
             err = 1;
     if (subKey != NULL) {
         subKey = NULL;
     if (err == 0) {
         if (wcslen(sumatrapdfRegistry) != 0) {
             if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfRegistry)) {
                 sumatrapdf = sumatrapdfRegistry;
             } else {
                 err = 1;
     if (err != 0) {
         err = 0;
         if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfWin32Default)) {
             sumatrapdf = (wchar_t*)sumatrapdfWin32Default;
         } else if (PathFileExistsW(sumatrapdfWin64Default)) {
             sumatrapdf = (wchar_t*)sumatrapdfWin64Default;
         } else {
             sumatrapdf = (wchar_t*)L"SumatraPDF.exe";
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
     SecureZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
     SecureZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
     ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
     ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
     si.cb = sizeof(si);
     snwprintf(sumatrapdfCommandLine, FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE-1, L"\"%ls\" %ls \"%ls\"", sumatrapdf, reuseInstance, pdf);
     if (CreateProcessW(NULL, sumatrapdfCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == 0) {
         err = 3;
         return err;
     WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, TIMEOUT);
     return err;
 static int
 DdeExecute(const wchar_t* restrict server,
            const wchar_t* restrict topic,
            const wchar_t* restrict command)
     int err = 0;
     DWORD idInstance = 0;
     HSZ hszServer = NULL;
     HSZ hszTopic = NULL;
     HCONV hConvClient = NULL;
     HDDEDATA hDdeData = NULL;
     HDDEDATA hDdeTransactionData = NULL;
     if (DdeInitializeW(&idInstance, (PFNCALLBACK)SumatraDdeCallback, APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0) != DMLERR_NO_ERROR) {
         fputws(L"DdeInitializeW error\n", stderr);
         err = 4;
         goto exn;
     if ((hszServer = DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, server, CP_WINUNICODE)) == NULL) {
         fputws(L"DdeCreateStringHandleW error\n", stderr);
         err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
         goto exn;
     if ((hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandleW(idInstance, topic, CP_WINUNICODE)) == NULL) {
         fputws(L"DdeCreateStringHandleW error\n", stderr);
         err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
         goto exn;
     if ((hConvClient = DdeConnect(idInstance, hszServer, hszTopic, NULL)) == NULL) {
         fputws(L"DdeConnect error\n", stderr);
         err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
         goto exn;
     if ((hDdeData = DdeCreateDataHandle(idInstance, (BYTE*)((wchar_t*)command), (DWORD)((wcslen(command) + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)), 0, NULL, CF_UNICODETEXT, 0)) == NULL) {
         fputws(L"DdeCreateDataHandle error\n", stderr);
         err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
         goto exn;
     if ((hDdeTransactionData = DdeClientTransaction((BYTE*)hDdeData, (DWORD)-1, hConvClient, NULL, 0, XTYP_EXECUTE, TIMEOUT, NULL)) == NULL) {
         fputws(L"DdeClientTransaction error\n", stderr);
         err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
         goto exn;
     if (hDdeTransactionData) {
         if (DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeTransactionData) == FALSE) {
             err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if (err) {
                 fputws(L"DdeFreeDataHandle error\n", stderr);
     if (hDdeData) {
         if (DdeFreeDataHandle(hDdeData) == FALSE) {
             err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
             if (err) {
                 fputws(L"DdeFreeDataHandle error\n", stderr);
     if (hszServer) {
         if (DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszServer) == FALSE) {
             fputws(L"DdeFreeStringHandle error\n", stderr);
             err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
     if (hszTopic) {
         if (DdeFreeStringHandle(idInstance, hszTopic) == FALSE) {
             fputws(L"DdeFreeStringHandle error\n", stderr);
             err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
     if (hConvClient) {
         if (DdeDisconnect(hConvClient) == FALSE) {
             fputws(L"DdeDisconnect error\n", stderr);
             err = (int)DdeGetLastError(idInstance);
     if (idInstance) {
         if (DdeUninitialize(idInstance) == FALSE) {
             fputws(L"DdeUninitialize error\n", stderr);
             err = 5;
     return err;
 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
 wmain(int argc,
       wchar_t** argv)
     int err = 0;
     wchar_t* pdf = NULL;
     wchar_t* tex = NULL;
     wchar_t* line = NULL;
     int active = 0;
     wchar_t forwardSearch[FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE] = L"";
 #if !defined (_MSC_VER)
     int argc = 0;
     wchar_t** argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc);
     if (argc != 4) {
         fwprintf(stderr, L"usage: %ls pdffile texfile line\n", argv[0]);
         err = 2;
         return err;
     pdf = argv[1];
     tex = argv[2];
     line = argv[3];
     if (wcslen(pdf) >= (FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE/4)) {
         fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls is too long.\n", pdf);
         err = -4;
         return err;
     if (wcslen(tex) >= (FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE/4)) {
         fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls is too long.\n", tex);
         err = -3;
         return err;
     if (wcslen(line) >= (FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE/4)) {
         fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls is too long.\n", line);
         err = -2;
         return err;
     if (wcstol(line, NULL, 0) == 0 || errno == ERANGE) {
         fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls can't convert to the line number.\n", line);
         err = -1;
         return err;
     if ((err = RunSumatraPDF(pdf)) != 0) {
         return err;
     snwprintf(forwardSearch, FWDSUMATRAPDF_BUF_SIZE-1, L"%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%d%ls",
       L"[ForwardSearch(\"", pdf, L"\",\"", tex, L"\",", line, L",0,0,", active, L")]");
     if ((err = DdeExecute(L"SUMATRA", L"control", forwardSearch)) != 0) {
         return err;
     return err;

***使用可能なエディタ・マクロ・プラグイン [#g4dd3cd8]

fwdsumatrapdf.exe は以下のエディタ・マクロ・プラグインで使用可能です.

■ フリーソフトウェア (オープンソースソフトウェア)
--[[TeX mode>Emacs#tex-mode]]
--[[TeX mode>Emacs/TeX mode]]
--[[MTeX for Notepad++]]

■ フリーウェア (無料)

*inverse search [#wfcdbef6]

inverse search を行うには TeX コマンドのオプションに -synctex=1 または -synctex=-1 を追加する必要があります.~
inverse search は SumatraPDF の画面をダブルクリックすると実行されます.~
SumatraPDF の [設定(S)]-[オプション(O)...]-[逆順検索コマンドラインの設定] で inverse search で実行されるコマンドラインの設定を行います.~
inverse search の設定はコマンドラインから -inverse-search オプションで指定することも可能です.~

-公式サイトの SumatraPDF を使用する
-SumatraPDF のコマンドラインの -inverse-search オプションで指定する

例えば [[W32TeX]] に含まれている [[TeXworks]] であれば

&color(Black,#FFF100){%%% &color(#FF4000){''SumatraPDF のオプション''};                          &color(Black,#CC3333){%%%[  ''&color(White){✕};''  ]%%%}; %%%};&br;
  PDF ドキュメント上でダブルクリックしたときに呼び出すコマンドラインを入&br;
  %%%C:\w32tex\share\texworks\TeXworks.exe --position=%l "%f"%%%&br;


*関連リンク [#c84cbf92]
-[[F# at Microsoft Research - Microsoft Research:http://research.microsoft.com/fsharp/]]
-[[DDEML Functions (Windows):http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff468833(v=vs.85).aspx]]
-[[Windows Data Types (Windows):http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa383751(v=vs.85).aspx]]
-[[The New Data Types (Windows):http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384264(v=vs.85).aspx]]
-[[レジストリの値をコマンド プロンプトで取得する:http://ziomatrix18.blog68.fc2.com/blog-entry-477.html]]
-[[USBメモリ活用講座【基礎編・PDFビューアのポータブル化-Sumatra PDF】:http://www.nagaoka-ct.ac.jp/ec/labo/visu/usb/pdf/sumatra.shtml]]
-[[Windows 7 で W32TeX を導入して日本語 SyncTeX を試してみる:http://skalldan.wordpress.com/2011/11/11/windows-7-%E3%81%A7-w32tex-%E3%82%92%E5%B0%8E%E5%85%A5%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E-synctex-%E3%82%92%E8%A9%A6%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E3%81%BF%E3%82%8B/]]
-[[SweaveでエディタとDVIビューア間の相互移動 - RjpWiki:http://www.okada.jp.org/RWiki/?Sweave%A4%C7%A5%A8%A5%C7%A5%A3%A5%BF%A4%C8DVI%A5%D3%A5%E5%A1%BC%A5%A2%B4%D6%A4%CE%C1%EA%B8%DF%B0%DC%C6%B0]]
-[[F# 3.0 を Visual Studio なしでインストールする:http://blog.recyclebin.jp/archives/2889]]
-[[Microsoft、「Visual Studio Express」でF#言語を利用可能にするアドインを公開:http://www.forest.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20120913_559448.html]]
-[[DDEApp Tutorial (C#, C++):http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/401117/DDEApp-Tutorial-Csharp-Cplusplus]]
-[[現在実行しているDLLのパスを取得する。(GetExecutingAssembly ):http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tekk/20110307/1299513821]]
-[[[SDK32] バッファ長の指定が不十分だと DDEML で不具合が発生する:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/107387/ja]]
-[[DDE Is Still Alive & Kicking:http://chrisoldwood.blogspot.jp/2009/10/dde-is-still-alive-kicking.html]]