*[[TeXnicCenter:http://www.texniccenter.org/]] [#f2674e4f]


&color(White,#5F2F2F){  ''◆CONTENTS◆''  };&br;



*TeXnicCenter とは [#rb91ca3f]

TeXnicCenter は多機能で使いやすい LaTeX 統合環境です.~

-[[TeXnicCenter 公式ページ:http://www.texniccenter.org/]]
-[[TeXnicCenter | Free Business & Enterprise software downloads at SourceForge.net:http://sourceforge.net/projects/texniccenter/]]

**動作環境 [#sa939c6e]


**License [#haaa8397]


**リリース情報 [#da101e5c]

-[[TeXnicCenter News:http://www.texniccenter.org/news]]


**ChangeLog [#y2c9ad23]

-[[Hg tools:http://sourceforge.net/p/texniccenter/_list/hg]]

**特徴 [#c8ac578a]
-TeX のコマンドを色分けできます.
-TeX のコマンドを補完してくれます.(Ctrl + Space)
-折りたたみが可能です.→ デフォルトでは OFF になっています.[View]-[Fold Margin] で ON にできます.
-SumatraPDF を使用すれば,SyncTeX による forward and inverse search も可能です.

*不具合 [#p40a9a4a]
-[[TeXnicCenter / User Reports:http://sourceforge.net/p/texniccenter/user-reports/]]

*ダウンロード [#rf294e94]

-[[Browse TeXnicCenter Files on SourceForge.net:http://sourceforge.net/projects/texniccenter/files/]]

*Encoding → [File]-[Save As...] の Encoding のリストから UTF-8 を指定して保存する [#u85685c5]

Encoding は

-ANSI (ANSI は日本語版 Windows では CP932 (Shift_JIS) として保存されます)
-UTF-8 with BOM
-UTF-16 Big Endian
-UTF-32 Big Endian


UTF-8 で保存する場合は [File]-[Save As...] の Encoding のリストから UTF-8 を指定して保存してください.

*プロファイルの作成 [#n1a2864d]

初回起動時に Configuration Wizard が表示されます.~
初回起動時に設定をキャンセルした場合は,メニューの [Build] → [Define Output Profiles...] で,プロファイルを作成します.~

[Wizard...] をクリックします.

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                                   &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%% &color(White){''←''};                                                     %%%};&br;
    &color(#1144BB){Welcome to the Configuration Wizard};&br;
                   The Configuration Wizard will help you, creating the&br;
                   output profiles. In TeXnicCenter output profiles are&br;
                   necessary to generate printable files.&br;
                   Be sure, that you have already installed a&br;
                   TeX-distribution. If not, you should quit the wizard&br;
                   and TeXnicCenter now, install the TeX-distribution and&br;
                   then restart this wizard.&br;
                   Tip: If you are using the MikTeX-Distribution&br;
                   (www.miktex.org), TeXnicCenter will do the most&br;
                   part of the configuration for you.&br;
                              &color(Black,#DAEAFF){[   次へ(N)   ]}; &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[  キャンセル  ]};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                                   &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%% &color(Black){''←''};                                                     %%%};&br;
    &color(#1144BB){Distribution directory};&br;
                   Enter the full path of the directory, where the&br;
                   executables (latex, tex, etc.) of your&br;
                   TeX-distribution are located:&br;
                              &color(Black,#DAEAFF){[   次へ(N)   ]}; &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[  キャンセル  ]};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                                   &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%% &color(Black){''←''};                                                     %%%};&br;
    &color(#1144BB){DVI-Viewer configuration};&br;
                   Enter the full path of the DVI-viewer to use:&br;
                   Enter the command line option that prevents the&br;
                   viewer from starting multiple instances:&br;
                   Enter the command line option, that causes the&br;
                   viewer to display a paragraph belonging to a given&br;
                   source line. Use the place holders:&br;
                                         &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[ &color(#1144BB){▶}; ]}; [optional]&br;
                              &color(Black,#DAEAFF){[   次へ(N)   ]}; &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[  キャンセル  ]};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                                   &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%% &color(Black){''←''};                                                     %%%};&br;
    &color(#1144BB){Your TeX-distribution supports the generation of PostScript-files};&br;
                   Enter the full path of the PostScript-viewer to use:&br;
                   Enter the command line option that prevents the&br;
                   viewer from starting multiple instances:&br;
                   Enter the command line option, that causes the&br;
                   viewer to display a paragraph belonging to a given&br;
                   source line. Use the place holders:&br;
                                          &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[ &color(#1144BB){▶}; ]}; [optional]&br;
                              &color(Black,#DAEAFF){[   次へ(N)   ]}; &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[  キャンセル  ]};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                                   &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%% &color(Black){''←''};                                                     %%%};&br;
    &color(#1144BB){Your TeX-distribution supports the generation of PDF-files};&br;
                   Enter the full path of the PDF-viewer to use:&br;
                   %%%C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe%%%&br;
                   %%%C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe%%%&br;
                   Enter the command line option that prevents the&br;
                   viewer from starting multiple instances:&br;
                   Enter the command line option, that causes the&br;
                   viewer to display a paragraph belonging to a given&br;
                   source line. Use the place holders:&br;
                                          &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[ &color(#1144BB){▶}; ]}; [optional]&br;
                              &color(Black,#DAEAFF){[   次へ(N)   ]}; &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[  キャンセル  ]};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                                   &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%% &color(Black){''←''};                                                     %%%};&br;
                   The following output profiles are about to be&br;
                   ・LaTeX => DVI&br;
                   ・LaTeX => DVI => PDF&br;
                   ・LaTeX => PS&br;
                   ・LaTeX => PDF&br;
                   ・LaTeX => PS => PDF&br;
                   ・LuaLaTeX => PDF&br;
                   ・XeLaTeX => PDF&br;
                   Click on 'Finish' to generate the listed profiles.&br;
                              &color(Black,#DAEAFF){[   完了(F)   ]}; &color(Black,#EEEEEE){[  キャンセル  ]};&br;

*(La)TeX [#n6a4bee4]

英語版のコンパイラが設定されるので日本語版のコンパイラ (upLaTeX) に変更します.~


LaTeX => DVI => PDF&br;
LaTeX => PS => PDF&br;

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
''[ (La)TeX   ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ][ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

☑ Run (La)TeX in this profile&br;
☐ Stop Compilation, if LaTeX-Error occures&br;
Path to the (La)TeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to the compiler:&br;
%%%-no-guess-input-enc -kanji=utf8 -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%wm"%%%&br;

☐ Do not use BibTeX in this profile&br;
Path to BibTeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;

☐ Do not use MakeIndex in this profile&br;
Path to MakeIndex&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;
%%%-U "%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind"%%%&br;



LaTeX => PDF&br;

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
''[ (La)TeX   ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ][ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

☑ Run (La)TeX in this profile&br;
☐ Stop Compilation, if LaTeX-Error occures&br;
Path to the (La)TeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to the compiler:&br;
%%%-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%wm"%%%&br;

☐ Do not use BibTeX in this profile&br;
Path to BibTeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;

☐ Do not use MakeIndex in this profile&br;
Path to MakeIndex&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;
%%%"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind"%%%&br;



LuaLaTeX => PDF&br;
■ LuaLaTeX の場合
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
''[ (La)TeX   ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ][ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

☑ Run (La)TeX in this profile&br;
☐ Stop Compilation, if LaTeX-Error occures&br;
Path to the (La)TeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to the compiler:&br;
%%%-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%wm"%%%&br;

☐ Do not use BibTeX in this profile&br;
Path to BibTeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;

☐ Do not use MakeIndex in this profile&br;
Path to MakeIndex&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;
%%%"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind"%%%&br;

■ LuaJITLaTeX の場合
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
''[ (La)TeX   ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ][ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

☑ Run (La)TeX in this profile&br;
☐ Stop Compilation, if LaTeX-Error occures&br;
Path to the (La)TeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to the compiler:&br;
%%%-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%wm"%%%&br;

☐ Do not use BibTeX in this profile&br;
Path to BibTeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;

☐ Do not use MakeIndex in this profile&br;
Path to MakeIndex&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;
%%%"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind"%%%&br;



XeLaTeX => PDF&br;

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
''[ (La)TeX   ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ][ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

☑ Run (La)TeX in this profile&br;
☐ Stop Compilation, if LaTeX-Error occures&br;
Path to the (La)TeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to the compiler:&br;
%%%-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "%wm"%%%&br;

☐ Do not use BibTeX in this profile&br;
Path to BibTeX&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;

☐ Do not use MakeIndex in this profile&br;
Path to MakeIndex&br;
Command line arguments to pass to&br;
%%%"%tm.idx" -t "%tm.ilg" -o "%tm.ind"%%%&br;


*Postprocessor [#w0bb01d0]


LaTeX => DVI => PDF&br;

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ]%%%};''[ Postprocessor ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

&color(Black,#EEEEEE){Postprocessors to run after the (La)TeX-compiler};&br;
&color(White,#1188FF){dvipdfm                                   };&br;
Executable:     %%%C:\texlive\2014\bin\win64\dvipdfmx.exe%%% または %%%C:\texlive\2014\bin\win32\dvipdfmx.exe%%%&br;
Arguments      %%%"%bm.dvi"%%%&br;


LaTeX => PS => PDF&br;

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ]%%%};''[ Postprocessor ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

&color(Black,#EEEEEE){Postprocessors to run after the (La)TeX-compiler};&br;
&color(White,#1188FF){DviPs (PDF)                                 };&br;
Ghostscript (ps2pdf)&br;
Executable:     %%%C:\texlive\2014\bin\win64\dvips.exe%%% または %%%C:\texlive\2014\bin\win32\dvips.exe%%%&br;
Arguments      %%%-Ppdf -o "%Bm.ps" "%Bm.dvi"%%%&br;
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ]%%%};''[ Postprocessor ]''&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ Viewer   ]%%%};&br;

&color(Black,#EEEEEE){Postprocessors to run after the (La)TeX-compiler};&br;
DviPs (PDF)&br;
&color(White,#1188FF){Ghostscript (ps2pdf)                             };&br;
Executable:     %%%C:\texlive\2014\bin\win64\rungs.exe%%% または %%%C:\texlive\2014\bin\win32\rungs.exe%%%&br;
Arguments      %%%-sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="%bm.pdf" -c save pop -f "%bm.ps"%%%&br;

*Viewer [#a436e057]

**PDF Viewer [#nfb23bc6]


LaTeX => DVI => PDF&br;
LaTeX => PDF&br;
LaTeX => PS => PDF&br;
LuaLaTeX => PDF&br;
XeLaTeX => PDF&br;

***[[SumatraPDF]] [#pdc24230]

■ SumatraPDF を前面に表示したい場合
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
%%%C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe -reuse-instance -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f','%l')]\""%%%&br;
%%%C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe -reuse-instance -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f', '%l')]\""%%%&br;
View project's output&br;
◯ Command line argument  (●) DDE command&br;
Command %%%[Open("%bm.pdf",0,1,1)]%%%&br;
Server: %%%SUMATRA%%%       Topic: %%%control%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
◯ Command line argument  (●) DDE command&br;
Command %%%[ForwardSearch("%bm.pdf","%Wc",%l,0,0,1)]%%%&br;
Server: %%%SUMATRA%%%       Topic: %%%control%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
◯ Command line argument ◯ DDE command  (●) Do not close&br;

■ SumatraPDF を前面に表示したくない場合
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
%%%C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe -reuse-instance -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f','%l')]\""%%%&br;
%%%C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe -reuse-instance -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f', '%l')]\""%%%&br;
View project's output&br;
◯ Command line argument  (●) DDE command&br;
Command %%%[Open("%bm.pdf",0,0,1)]%%%&br;
Server: %%%SUMATRA%%%       Topic: %%%control%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
◯ Command line argument  (●) DDE command&br;
Command %%%[ForwardSearch("%bm.pdf","%Wc",%l,0,0,0)]%%%&br;
Server: %%%SUMATRA%%%       Topic: %%%control%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
◯ Command line argument ◯ DDE command  (●) Do not close&br;

***[[TeXworks]] [#ef4e474a]

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
View project's output&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c texworks "%bm.pdf"%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c synctex view -i "%l:0:%Wc" -o "%bm.pdf" -x "texworks  --position=%%{page+1} '%%{output}'"%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
◯ Command line argument ◯ DDE command  (●) Do not close&br;

***[[Mozilla Firefox]] (PDF.js) [#y4109c68]

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
View project's output&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL firefox -new-window "%bm.pdf"%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c synctex view -i "%l:0:%Wc" -o "%bm.pdf" -x "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL firefox -new-window '%%{output}'"%%%&br;
//Command %%%/c synctex view -i "%l:0:%Wc" -o "%bm.pdf" -x "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL firefox -new-window '%%{output}#page=%%{page+1}'"%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
◯ Command line argument ◯ DDE command  (●) Do not close&br;

***Chrome PDF Viewer [#fd20d9e0]

&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
View project's output&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL chrome --new-window "%bm.pdf"%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c synctex view -i "%l:0:%Wc" -o "%bm.pdf" -x "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL chrome --new-window '%%{output}'"%%%&br;
//Command %%%/c synctex view -i "%l:0:%Wc" -o "%bm.pdf" -x "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL chrome --new-window '%%{output}#page=%%{page+1}'"%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
◯ Command line argument ◯ DDE command  (●) Do not close&br;

***[[Adobe Reader]] [#c94760c4]

■ コマンドラインを使用する場合~
TeX ファイルの行番号に対応する PDF ファイルの該当するページにジャンプします.~
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
View project's output&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c "%bm.pdf"%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
(●) Command line argument  ◯ DDE command&br;
Command %%%/c synctex view -i "%l:0:%Wc" -o "%bm.pdf" -x "pdfopen --rxi --file '%%{output}' --page %%{page+1}"%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
(●) Command line argument ◯ DDE command  ◯ Do not close&br;
Command %%%/c pdfclose --rxi --file "%bm.pdf"%%%&br;

■ DDE を使用する場合~
PDF ファイルの先頭ページにジャンプします.~
&color(#2E3436,#2E3436){%%%                                              &color(#DD4444,#DD4444){%%%[ &color(White){''×''}; ]%%%};%%%};&br;
&color(Black,#EEEEEE){%%%[ (La)TeX   ][ Preprocessor ][ Postprocessor ]%%%};''[ Viewer   ]''&br;
Executable path&br;
%%%C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe%%%&br;
%%%C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe%%%&br;
View project's output&br;
◯ Command line argument  (●) DDE command&br;
Command %%%[DocOpen("%bm.pdf")][FileOpen("%bm.pdf")]%%%&br;
Server: %%%acroviewR11%%%      Topic: %%%control%%%&br;
Forward search&br;
◯ Command line argument  (●) DDE command&br;
Command %%%[DocOpen("%bm.pdf")][FileOpen("%bm.pdf")][DocGoTo("%bm.pdf",0)]%%%&br;
Server: %%%acroviewR11%%%      Topic: %%%control%%%&br;
Close document before running (La)TeX&br;
◯ Command line argument (●) DDE command  ◯ Do not close&br;
Command %%%[DocClose("%bm.pdf")]%%%&br;
Server: %%%acroviewR11%%%      Topic: %%%control%%%&br;

*SumatraPDF との連携 [#yfd68060]

Command line arguments to pass to the compiler: に -synctex=1 を追加します.

**forward and inverse search [#e049aa23]
forward and inverse search は PDF Viewer の [[SumatraPDF>TeXnicCenter#pdc24230]] の項を参考に設定してください.~
inverse search は Executable path に追加する代わりに SumatraPDF の [☰]-[設定(S)]-[オプション(O)...]-[逆順検索コマンドラインの設定] に以下の設定を追加しても OK です.~

 "C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe" /ddecmd "[goto('%f', '%l')]"

*使い方 [#f25094fe]

TeXnicCenter の使い方に関する詳細については~
[[Welcome to the documentation of TeXnicCenter — TeXnicCenter v2.0 documentation:http://texniccenter.sourceforge.net/]]~

**プロジェクトの作成 [#td4273eb]

[File]-[New]-[Project...] で新規プロジェクトを作成します.

**補完 [#tcdb30cc]

Ctrl + Space で補完ができます.

doc とタイプして Ctrl + Space をタイプすると



ite とタイプして Ctrl + Space をタイプすると



**プロファイルの変更 [#t5967111]

[Build]-[Select Output Profile...] またはツールバーからプロファイルを変更できます.

dvipdfmx で PDF ファイルを作成する場合は,プロファイルを LaTeX => DVI => PDF に変更します.

**ビルド [#i6bfece2]

[Build]-[Build Output] をクリックします.



**表示 [#w010da2b]

[Build]-[View Output] で対応するプロファイルの出力ファイルが表示されます.

[Build]-[Build and View Output] でビルドと表示ができます.

**折りたたみ [#r2ac1196]

[View]-[Fold Margin] で折りたたみできます.

*関連リンク [#r73017f2]
-[[WindowsでTeXをeclipseみたいな感じで作れるTeXnicCenter その2:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/xmldtp/e/6c445d6fca39c15d20103bb28264384a]]
-[[WindowsでTeXをeclipseみたいな感じで作れるTeXnicCenter その1:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/xmldtp/e/3694c7b9cef534f3555b1bc41a96b5de]]
-[[工大院生の学生メモ : Texniccenter:http://blog.livedoor.jp/gastttt3678/archives/2846954.html]]
-[[Newest 'texniccenter' Questions - TeX - LaTeX - Stack Exchange:http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/texniccenter]]
-[[DDE Message of Acrobat and Adobe Reader:http://acrobat-dde.nnn2.com/]]