llpp は [[MuPDF]] ベースの PDF ビューアです.

SyncTeX にも対応しています.


**インストール [#e6b097fa]


**使い方 [#q4f7d920]

 Usage: llpp [options] some.pdf
   -p <password>             Set password
   -f <path>                 Set path to the user interface font
   -c <path>                 Set path to the configuration file
   -last                     Open last document
   -page <page-number>       Jump to page
   -tcf <path>               Set path to the trim cache file
   -dest <named-destination> Set named destination
   -remote <path>            Set path to the source of remote commands
   -gc                       Collect config garbage
   -v                        Print version and exit
   -css <path>               Set path to the style sheet to use with EPUB/HTML
   -origin <origin>          <undocumented>
   -no-title                 ignore document title
   -layout-height <height>   layout height html/epub/etc (-1, 0, N)
   -help                     Display this list of options
   --help                    Display this list of options

**関連リンク [#y89558ab]
